Institute is inviting Quotations for the following item:
- Tender for Renovation of 10 rooms, 3 Nos. combined toilets, 1 No. single toilet and
1 No. single bathroom of extension hostel at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal. - GeM Bid for purchase of Plant Growth Chamber
- GeM Bid for purchase of Microscopes – Pathological and Research
- Last date extended up to 03.03.2025 of tender for replacement of existing 79 windows of different divisions/sections at ICAR CSSRI, Karnal
- GeM Bid for purchase of NIR Spectrophotometer
- GeM Bid for purchase of Eddy Covariance System
- Tender for replacement of existing 79 windows of different divisions/sections at ICAR CSSRI, Karnal
- Tender for extension, renovation, refurbishment of reception area and entrance gate of admin. Building at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal.
- GeM Bid for purchase of Speed Breeding Facility
- GeM Bid for purchase of EDDY Covariance System at ICAR CSSRI Karnal
- GeM Bid for purchase of SPECTROPHOTOMETER at ICAR CSSRI Karnal(Bid extended till 12.02.2025)
- GeM bid for Lab Furnishing-Genome Editing Lab at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal
- GeM bid for Leaf State Analyzer at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal(Bid extend till 17.02.2025)
- GeM Bid for purchase of Inductive couple plasma optical emission spectroscopy at ICAR CSSRI Karnal
- Tender for wooden almirah and tables at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal
- GeM Bid for purchase of Speed Breeding Facility at ICAR CSSRI Karnal
- GeM Bid for purchase of Advance irrigation system at ICAR CSSRI Karnal (Last date has been extended up to 30.12.2024.
- GeM Bid for purchase of Sap Flow Meter at ICAR CSSRI Karnal
- GeM Bid for Inductive couple plasma optical emission spectroscopy at ICAR CSSRI Karnal (Last date extended up to 26.12.2024 10.30)
- Tender for installation of twenty observation well at 8 selected sites in Haryana
- Tender for Installing seven drainage-cum-recharge well with integrated filter at different
cluster/block namely Kaul, Guhla and Pundari (Kaithal Distt.), Pehowa (Kurukshetra Distt.),
Gokalgarh (Ambala Distt.) and Karnal, etc. - Tender for Renovation of wheat lab (Room No. 103) at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal.
- Tender for Inter-locking paver block in between CPWD electrical sub-station and lab
building at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal.. - Tender for renovation of roofing of pot house at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal.
- Tender for renovation of microplot (28.15 m x 7.95 m) at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal
- Tender for fencing of Shed net house -107 metre length at ICAR-CSSRI,Karnal.
- Last date for submission application for Tender for Renovation of Lab. for Tissue culture Research at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal
- (Corrigendum) Tender for installation of eight ground water recharge structure with two-stage filtration unit at different clusters namely Karnal, Kaithal, Nilokheri, Assandh, Tarawadi and Ismailabad etc .
- Tender for installation of eight ground water recharge structure with two-stage filtration unit at different clusters namely Karnal, Kaithal, Nilokheri, Assandh, Tarawadi and Ismailabad etc.
- Tender for Renovation of Lab. for Tissue culture Research at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal
- Tender for Construction of Pond Walls around Pond at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal
CSSRI, RRS Bharuch, Gujarat
- Last date for extended of Tender for for Lab renovation (Soil and Plant lab.) at CSSRI, RRS, Bharuch
- Tender for for Lab renovation (Soil and Plant lab.) at CSSRI, RRS, Bharuch
- Tender for Construction of high capacity tubewell at experimental farm, Samni of ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Bharuch
CSSRI, RRS Lucknow