SCIENTIST(Land and Water Management Engineering)
Irrigation & Drainage Engineering
Contribution to the field of specialization
Research work in Ph.D. entitled “Modelling Crop Water Productivity of Rice Under Different Cultivation Methods”
Research work in Master’s Degree entitled “Development of Water Delivery Schedule for a Canal Command Using Geospatial Tools”
Research work in Bachelor’s Degree entitled “Performance Evaluation of Manually Operated Water Lifting Pumps”
Trainings/Conferences Attained
Basic training course on “Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System and Global Positioning System” conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun
International Training Course on Crop Modelling at Bangalore organized by Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA-France), IISc Bangalore and NBSS&LUP Regional Centre, Bangalore
Presented a research paper in 47th Annual Convention of ISAE and International Symposium held at Hyderabad.
Participated in the All India Seminar on Engineering Interventions to Enhance Income of Small and Marginal Farmers organized by The Institution of Engineers (India), Delhi state center.
Particulars of prizes, medals, scholarships, etc.
Secured 4th Rank in All India Entrance Examination conducted by the ICAR at post-graduation level (ICAR-JRF) in the discipline Agricultural Engineering in the year 2010
Qualified ICAR’s National Eligibility Test in the discipline Land and water Management Engineering, conducted by ASRB in February, 2013
Secured 1st rank in ICAR’s All India Senior Research Fellowship-2013 Examination and awarded SRF (PGS) with Fellowship in the discipline Soil and Water Conservation Engineering.
Scientific memberships
Life time member of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers
Vibhute, S. D., Sarangi, A. and Singh, D. K. (2016). Development of crop water demand based water delivery schedule in a canal command. Journal of Agricultural Engineering(ISAE), 53 (2), 12-23.
Vibhute, S. D., Sarangi, A., Singh, D. K., Bandhyopadhyay, K. K., Parihar, S. S. andKumar, Dinesh.(2016). Comparative evaluation of water budgeting parameters under different rice cultivation methods. Journal of Applied and Natural Science. (Under Review)
Phone: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=o8y7MWsAAAAJ&hl=en
Email: sagar.vibhute@icar.gov.in, vibhutesagar5@gmail.com
Website: G