Current Research Area:
Saline Vertisols of Bara tract, Gujarat
M.Sc (Ag.) Agronomy
Major Research Accomplishments:
Dr. C. B. Shah Gold Medal for securing highest OGPA and best quality of research work in Agronomy Subject in M. Sc. Degree from Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat.
Monika Shukla and B L Jangid. 2012. Climate change scenario in India and impact on agriculture- A review. In: Roy, M M, Uday Burman, Praveen-Kumar, R K Kaul, R S Tripathi, S B Sharma and Kundan Gawaris (Eds.). Managing Stress in Drylands under Climate Change Scenarios: – Symposium Abstracts. Arid Zone Research Association of India, CAZRI, Jodhpur, India, 327-iv p, pp.22-23.
Jangid, B L, Khem Chand and Monika Shukla. 2012. Groundwater resources and their use in Transitional Plain of Luni Basin of Rajasthan- A farm level analysis. In: Roy, M M, Uday Burman, Praveen-Kumar, R K Kaul, R S Tripathi, S B Sharma and Kundan Gawaria (Eds.). Managing Stress in Drylands under Climate Change Scenarios: – Symposium Abstracts. Arid Zone Research Association of India, CAZRI, Jodhpur, India, 327-iv p, pp.295-296.
Jangid, B L, Khem Chand and Monika Shukla. 2013. Efficient use of depleting groundwater for irrigation- farmers‟ knowledge and correlates in Transitional Plain of Luni Basin in western Rajasthan, abstracts– International conference on extension educational strategies for sustainable agricultural development -a global perspective : December 05-08, 2013, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India, pp 39-40.
Monika Shukla, R H Patel, Rajhans Verma, Parvati Deewan and M L Dotaniya. 2013. Effect of Bio-Organics and Chemical Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Under Middle Gujarat Conditions. VEGETOS, Vol. 26 (1) : 183-187.
Rao, M., Narendra, S., Sangeeta, M., Sendhil R., Monika Shukla, Rajagopal, V., Karmakar, P. 2014. Indigenous Technical Knowledge Associated with Ethnomedicines in Banwar Village (Gwalior District), Madhya Pradesh, India. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacognosy; Volume 1, Issue 2; pp 1-5.
Rao, M., Sendhil R., Narendra, S., Rajagopal, V., Sangeeta, M. , Monika Shukla, , Karmakar, P., Tripathi, A. 2014. Water Harvesting Through Application of Social Marketing Strategy – A Case Study in Banwar Village, Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management. Volume 1, Issue 2; pp 35-42.
Shukla, A K, B L Jangid and Monika Shukla. 2014. Factors affecting produce quality in horticultural supply chain. In: Tewari, P, Akhat Singh, Soma Srivastava, Manjunath(Eds.), „Efficient supply chain management and marketing of horticultural produce in dry regions‟, Director, CAZRI, Jodhpur, pp 122-125.
Keerthika.A, S. B. Chavan and Monika Shukla (2015). Khejri Agroforestry for issues of Soil Health. Life science leaflets. Volume No. Online & Print 64: pp 102-108
Jangid, B L, Monika Shukla and A K Shukla. 2015. Pressurized Irrigation Systems- Extent and pattern of adoption in Transitional Plain of Luni Basin of Arid Rajasthan. Compendium-XII Agricultural Science Congress-“Sustainable Livelihood Security for Smallholder Farmers”, 03- 06, February 2015, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, Haryana, pages 263.
Technical / popular articles
Monika Shukla, P L Regar and B L Jangid. 2013. Henna (Lawsonia Inermis L.) Cultivation: A Viable Agri-Enterprise in Arid Fringes of Western Rajasthan. DEN News, Dr. Raheja Library, CAZRI, Jodhpur, July-December 2012, Volume 14(2)
Technical bulletin/ Books/Folder:
Jangid, B L, P L Regar, S S Rao, Khem Chand, P K Roy, Y V Singh and Monika Shukla. 2013.
मेंहदीकी खेतीशष्कु ेत्रकेलऱए एक ऱाभकारी कृषि उद्यम. समेटऩत्र ( पोल्डर), ननदेशक,
कें द्रीयशष्कु ेत्रअनसंधानु संस्थान,ऩष्ठृ 6.