Irrigation & Drainage Engineering
DOB: 01-085-1984
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Karnal, Haryana (INDIA) 132 001
Phone: 01842209390
Academic qualification: PhD in Agricultural Physics
Current position and past affiliation(s): Scientist (Senior Scale)
Priority research areas of interest
Electromagnetic based proximal sensing methodology for rapid salinity assessment and mapping in 3-D in salt affected soil.
Soil moisture and solute transport in shallow saline ground water environment.
Municipal solid waste compost for harnessing productivity in salt affected soil
Groundwater resource management to mitigate the impact of climate change
Research projects (in-house/external) in hands with name of funding agency
Salinity Management and Modelling under Drip Irrigation, Raised bed and Mulch Condition for Crop Production (In-house)
Total publications
i) Research paper 19
ii) Technical/research bulletin 02
iii) Book Chapter 01
vi) Popular article 9
v) Paper presented/ abstract published in symposium/workshop/conference 10
Transfer of technology & continuing education
Extension (if any)
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.
Significant contributions relating to the relevant field of specialization
1. Development of Individual farmer based groundwater recharge structure for augmenting groundwater resources, improving its quality and farmers income. Based on this got ICAR Hariom Ashram Trust Award in NRM in 2017.
2. Soil matric potential based irrigation strategies of direct seeded rice.
3. Modelling the impact of climate change in fresh groundwater zones of Haryana
4. Sub-surface drainage technology for reclamation of waterlogged saline soils and improving rural livelihoods
5. Standardization of electromagnetic induction techniques for rapid assessment of soil salinity
6. Improvement in physical, chemical and biological properties of saline soil through combined use of municipal solid waste compost and chemical fertilizers under mustard-pearl millet cropping system.
7. Improvement in Soil Physical Health through Amendments and Hydrogel Applications in a Soybean–Wheat Cropping System