Dr. Anoop Kumar Dixit

Dr. Anoop Kumar Dixit

Principal Scientist (Agronomy)


  1. Academic qualification:
Degree/ Certificate Subject University Year of passing Division OGPA
B.Sc. (Ag. &AH) Agriculture & Animal Husbandry CSAUA&T, Kanpur (UP) 1995 First 9.24/10
M.Sc. (Ag.)


Major: Agronomy

Minor: Plant Physiology

BHU, Varanasi (UP) 1997 First 7.79/10
Ph.D. Major: Agronomy.

Minor: Soil Science

GBPUA&T, Pantnagar (UK) 2000 First 4.27/5.0


  1. Employment record:


Pay Scale/

Pay Band with RGP/Pay Level

Period Institute
From To
Principal Scientist PB IV with RGP 10000

(Pay level 14)

14/12/2023 Till date ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Lucknow
Principal Scientist PB IV with RGP 10000

(Pay level 14)

18/12/2014 13/12/2023 ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi
Senior Scientist PB IV with RGP 9000 18/12/2011 17/12/2014 -do-
Senior Scientist PB III with RGP 8000 18/12/2008 17/12/2011 -do-
Asstt. Professor-cum- Junior Scientist Rs 8000-13500/- 19/08/2005 16/12/2008 Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-J, Chatha, Jammu (J&K)


  1. Specialization:

Resource conservation agriculture, nutrient management, organic farming


  1. Students guided:

As Guide for MSc degree: 3

As Co-Guide for MSc degree: 1


  1. Awards and recognition:
  • ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Award for Outstanding Research and Application in Dryland Farming Systems-2015 (Sunil Kumar, AK Dixit, T Kiran Kumar, SK Rai, RK Agrawal & PK Ghosh). ICAR, New Delhi, 2015.
  • SCSI-Leadership Award 2019 by Soil Conservation Society of India (SCSI), National Societies Block A/G-4, NASC Complex, New Delhi.
  • ISA-Best Paper Award (Anoop K. Dixit, Sunil Kumar, A.K. Rai and T. Kiran Kumar: “System productivity, profitability, nutrient uptake and soil health under tillage, nutrient and weed management in rainfed chickpea (Cicer arietinum)–fodder sorghum (Sorghum bicolour) cropping system” published in Indian Journal of Agronomy 60(2): 205–211), by Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi.
  • SCSI-Best Poster Award (T. Kiran Kumar, Manoj Chaudhary, DR. Palsaniya, Sunil Kumar and A.K. Dixit, 2015. Tillage effects on crop productivity and moisture dynamics in fodder sorghum based cropping systems under rainfed condition), In SCSI “International Conference on Natural Resource Management for Food Security and Rural Livelihoods” during February 10-13, 2015 at NASC Complex, New Delhi.
  • RMSI-Best Poster Award-2014 (G. Prabhu, Srinivasan, R., Manoj Chaudhary, DR. Palsaniya, Kiran Kumar and A.K. Dixit, 2014. Assessment of different herbicides selectivity to fodder cowpea through laboratory and field experiments.), In RMSI “National symposium on Climate resilient forage production and its utilization” during Nov, 13-14, 2014 at BCKV, Kalyani.
  • Editor of IGFRI-Newsletter, ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi during 2022 and 2023.


  1. Publications

i)Research papers


Dixit AK, Agrawal RK, Das SK, Sahay CS, Choudhary M, Rai AK, Kumar S, Kantwa SR and Palsaniya DR (2019) Soil properties, crop productivity and energetics under different tillage practices in fodder sorghum + cowpea – wheat cropping system. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65 (4): 492–506.

Dixit AK, Rai AK, Prasad M, Choudhary M, Kumar S, Srivastava MK, Rai SK and Singh HV (2020) Long-term fertilization effects on carbon pools and carbon management index of loamy soil under grass–forage legumes mixture in semi-arid environment. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 66 (10): 1373–1383.

Kantwa SR, Choudhary Mukesh, Agrawal RK, Dixit AK, Kumar Sunil and Chary GR (2024). Reducing energy and carbon footprint through diversified rainfed cropping systems. Energy Nexus. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nexus.2024.100306.

Kumar Sunil, Kumar TK, Prasad M, Singh JB, Choudhary M, Dixit AK and Ghosh PK (2023). Alley Cropping System in Degraded Land of Central India: Evaluation of Crop Performance, Economic Benefit and Soil Nutrients Availability. International Journal of Plant Production, 17:81-93.

Kumar Sunil, Dixit AK, Singh Tejveer, Choudhary M and Kantwa SR (2023). Inclusion of Egyptian clover improves the value of sorghum-based cropping systems. Crop and Pasture Science. doi:10.1071/CP22139.

Kumar Sunil, Dixit AK, Prasad M, Rai SK, Mahanta SK, Singh S, Radotra S and Ghosh PK (2023). Effects of grazing intensity and pasture type on soil organic carbon stock in the semi-arid tropics of India. Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 11(1): 41-51.

Rai AK, Basak N*, Dixit AK*, Rai SK, Das SK, Singh JB, Kumar S, Kumar TK, Chandra P, Sundha P and Bedwal S (2023). Changes in soil microbial biomass and organic C pools improve the sustainability of perennial grass and legume system under organic nutrient management system. Front. Microbiol.14:10.3389/fmicb.2023.1173986.

Rai AK, Dinkar Amita, Basak N, Dixit AK, Das SK, Dev Inder, Sundha P, Priyanka Chandra P and  Kumar Sunil (2021). Phosphorus nutrition of oats genotypes in acidic soils: Exploiting responsive plant-microbe partnership. Applied Soil Ecology, 167, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.104094.



Bhinda NK, Singh Yogeshwar, Dixit, AK and Dhiraj Kumar (2023) Effect of sulphur, zinc and boron on growth and yield of irrigated Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L) in Bundelkhand region. Journal of Oilseed Brassica, 14 (2): 1-6.

Choudhary, Mukesh, Kantwa, S.R., Dixit, A.K. and Nagar, R.P.  (2020). Alley cropping system improves forage productivity and profitability in rainfed semi-arid Rajasthan. Indian J. of Agroforestry, 22 (2): 21-25.

Dixit AK and Gupta AK (2003). Performance of different sorghum cultivars under varying fertility levels in Tarai region of Uttaranchal. Live Science Reporter, 5 (1& 2): 26-28.

Dixit AK and Gupta, AK (2004). Influence of methods of sowing and seed rates on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different dates of sowing. Environment & Ecology, 22 (3): 407-410.

Dixit AK, Agrawal RK, Das SK, Rai AK and Sahai CS (2010). Influence of tillage management practices on productivity of sorghum + cowpea – wheat cropping systems under limited irrigation conditions. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry Symposium Issue (A): 19-20.

Dixit AK, Kachroo D and Gupta AK (2004). Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus levels on sorghum {Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench} cultivars under rainfed conditions of Uttaranchal. Environment & Ecology, 22 (3): 414-420.

Dixit AK, Rai AK and T Kiran Kumar (2014). Effect of resource conserving technologies on productivity and profitability of rainfed food-fodder cropping system under semi arid climate of India. Annals of Agric. Research, New Series, 35(3): 259-266.

Dixit AK, Singh OP, Kachroo D and Bali AS (2005). Response of promising rainy-season sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 50 (3): 206-209.

Dixit AK, Sunil Kumar, Rai AK and Palsaniya DR (2014). Productivity and profitability of fodder sorghum + cowpea – chickpea cropping system as influenced by organic manure, phosphorus and sulphur application in central India. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry, 35 (1): 66-72.

Dixit AK, Sunil Kumar, Rai AK and T Kiran Kumar (2014). Tillage and irrigation management in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) – fodder sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cropping system under semi-arid conditions of India. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59 (4): 575-580.

Dixit AK, Sunil Kumar, Rai AK and T. Kiran Kumar (2015). System productivity, profitability, nutrient uptake and soil health under tillage, nutrient and weed management in rainfed chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) – fodder sorghum {Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench} cropping system. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60 (2): 205-211.

Dixit AK, Sunil Kumar, Rai AK, Palsaniya DR and Choudahary Mukesh (2017) Nutrient management in fodder sorghum + cowpea – chickpea cropping system for higher system productivity and nutrient use. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry, 38 (1): 82-88.

Ghosh PK, Sunil Kumar, Palsaniya DR, Dixit AK, and Rai SK (2017) Climate resilient strategies for sustainable forage production. Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences, 9 (2): 162-169.

Gupta AK, Bali AS and Dixit AK (2004). Performance of wheat genotypes under different sowing schedules in Kashmir valley. Environment & Ecology, 22 (3): 521-523.

Gupta M, Bali AS, Sharma S and Dixit AK (2007). Potential role and influence of zero tillage technology on energy saving in rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 77 (9): 657-659.

Kachroo D and Dixit AK (2005). Residue management practices using fly ash and various crop residues for productivity of rice (Oryza sativa) – wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system under limited moisture conditions. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 50 (4): 249-252.

Kachroo D, Bali AS and Dixit AK (2005). Effect of biofertilizers, FYM and nitrogen levels on growth, productivity, soil health and nutrient balance under rice-wheat cropping system. Indian Journal of Ecology, 32 (2): 112-117.

Kachroo D, Dixit AK and Bali AS (2003).  Weed Management in Oilseed Crops- A Review. J. Res. SKUAST-J. 2 (1): 1-12.

Kachroo D, Dixit AK and Bali AS (2006). Influence of crop residue, fly ash and varying starter dosages on growth, yield and soil characteristics in rice-wheat cropping system under irrigated conditions of Jammu region. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 76 (1): 3-6.

Kachroo D, Dixit AK and Bhat AK (2006). Decomposition of various residues and their nutrient release pattern under alfisols of Jammu region. The Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science, 54 (3): 342-344.

Kachroo D, Peshin K and Dixit AK (2004). Influence of different nitrogen levels on the growth and yield of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) cultivars. Indian Journal of Ecology, 31 (2): 97-99.

Maity SB, Kushwaha BP, Singh S, Kumar, A, Nag SK, Das SK, Rai AK, and Dixit AK (2021). Milk fatty acid profile of Indian dairy cows reared under organic and conventional feeding management. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 91(2): 155-158.

Palsaniya DR, Kumar TK, Prabhu G, Dixit AK, Rai AK and Sunil Kumar (2015) Weed dynamics in fodder oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes. Range Management & Agroforestry, 36 (1): 107-108.

Rai AK,  Tripathi SB, Tripathi SN, Dixit AK, Rai SK, Singh DK and Richhariya SC (2010). Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on performance of guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) based cropping system and soil properties. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry Symposium Issue (B): 252-253.

Rai SK, Dixit AK, Choudhary Mukesh and Sunil Kumar (2018) Climatic variability and prediction of annual rainfall using stochastic time series model at Jhansi in central India. MAUSAM, 69 (1): 73-80.

Sunil Kumar, Inder Dev, Agrawal RK, Dixit AK and Ram SN (2012) Agronomic research on forages in India: An overview. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 57 (3rd lAC Special Issue): 92-104.

Tripathi SB, Rai AK, Dixit AK and Singh KA (2009) Improving yield and quality of fodder through secondary and micronutrients. Indian J. Fertilizers, 5(4): 81-86 & 89-96.

*corresponding author


Sunil Kumar, DR Palsaniya, Kiran Kumar T, AK Dixit, M M Das and PK Ghosh. 2017. Farming Systems-Issues and Strategies. Satish Serial Publishing Housing, Azadpur, New Delhi.

  Chapters in books

Anil Kumar, Bali AS, Dixit AK Kachroo D, and Sharma Vikas (2006). Prospects of crop diversification for efficient land use in alpine high altitudes of Jammu & Kashmir. Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture. In Eds.Sanjay Arora and Vikas Sharma. Soil Conservation Society of India, Jammu Chapter, SKUAST Jammu, India. Pp: 31-34.

Bali AS, Anil Kumar, Kachroo D, Sharma BC and Dixit AK (2007). Integrated watershed management for natural resource conservation in N-W Himalayas. Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Hill Agriculture. In Eds.Sanjay Arora, S.S. Kukal and Vikas Sharma. Soil Conservation Society of India, Jammu Chapter, SKUAST Jammu, India. Pp: 160-164.

Dixit AK and T Kiran Kumar 2017. Resource conservation technologies for sustainable agriculture. In: Farming systems-issues and strategies. (Eds. Sunil Kumar, DR Palsaniya, Kiran Kumar T, AK Dixit, M M Das and PK Ghosh). Satish Serial Publishing Housing, Azadpur, New Delhi, Pp 227-234.

Dixit AK Bali AS, Kachroo D and Anil Kumar (2006). Fertigation: A technology for sustainable crop production. Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture. In Eds.Sanjay Arora and Vikas Sharma. Soil Conservation Society of India, Jammu Chapter, SKUAST Jammu, India. Pp: 124-130.

Ghosh PK, Dixit AK and Sunil Kumar 2013. Fodder management systems for adaptation and mitigation of climate change In: Adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate resilient agriculture, Central research institute for dry land agriculture, ICAR, Hyderabad, India, pp 213-225.

Kumar TK, DR Palsaniya, AK Dixit, G Prabhu and Manoj Chaudhary, 2017. Fodder production strategies for integrated farming system under irrigated conditions. In: Farming systems-issues and strategies. (Eds. Sunil Kumar, DR Palsaniya, Kiran Kumar T, AK Dixit, M M Das and PK Ghosh). Satish Serial Publishing Housing, Azadpur, New Delhi, Pp 65-84.

Kumar, RV, Palsaniya, DR, Dixit, AK and Choudhary, M, 2018. Doubling Farm Income Through Forage and Livestock Management. In: Bhatt, B.P. (Ed.), Doubling Farmers Income through Sustainable and Harmonious Agriculture. Jaya Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 64–80.

Rai AK, Basak N, Ashwani Kumar, Parul Sudha, Dixit AK and Yadav, RK 2017. Forage production in problematic soil: Indian perspective. In: Approaches towards fodder security in India. (Eds. Ghosh PK, Mahanta SK, Singh JB, Vijay D, Kumar RV Yadav VK and Sunil Kumar). Studera Press, New Delhi, Pp 151-171.

Sunil Kumar, Dixit AK, Palsaniya DR and Maiti SB, 2017. Organic fodder and feed production. In: Organic farming in Tropical Islans of India. (Eds. B Gangaiah, A Kundu, K abirami, S Swain, T Subramani and SK Zamir Ahmad), ICAR-CARI, Portblair Pp. 156-160.

Tiwari Sunil Kumar, Dixit AK and Agrawal Rajiv (2012). Chara Fasal Uttpadan. In: Chara Prashnottari, (Eds. Satya Priya, Singh Maharaj and Singh Harshbardhan), IGFRI Jhansi.

Tripathi SB and Dixit AK (2017). Balanced plant nutrition for quality fodder and milk production. In: Farming systems-issues and strategies. (Eds. Sunil Kumar, DR Palsaniya, Kiran Kumar T, AK Dixit, M M Das and PK Ghosh). Satish Serial Publishing Housing, Azadpur, New Delhi, Pp 235-254.

Popular articles

Choudhary Mukesh, Kumar Sunil and Dixit AK (2011). Swine Cress: A new and common weed in winter forage legumes. IGFRI Newsletter, 17 (2): 4.

 Dixit AK and Kantwa SR (2017). Chara Phasalon Ka Prabandhan. Kisan Jyoti, 6 (2): 40-47.

Dixit AK and Kumar Sunil (2009) Rabi Mein Chara Utpadan. Khad Patrika. 9: 45-49.

Dixit AK, Agrawal RK, Das SK, Rai AK, Sunil Kumar and Sahai CS (2011). Conservation tillage management: A technique for sustainable fodder-food production, IGFRI News Letter, 17(3): 4.

Dixit AK, Choudhary Mukesh and Parihar CM (2019). Kharif Mein Chara Utpaadan. Khad Patrika 6:31-35

Dixit AK, Choudhary Mukesh and Sahay CS (2022). Drip fertigation in forages- A novel technology for efficient use of nutrient and water with quality fodder production, IGFRI-Newsletter, 28 (1): 6.

Dixit AK, Choudhary Mukesh and Sahay CS (2022). Nutrient management in BN hybrid through fertigation. IGFRI-Newsletter, 28 (2):3.

Dixit AK, Kumar Sunil and Khare SK (2010). Zaid Mein Chara Utpadan Ki Prabal Sambhawanayen. Khad Patrika 3:36-42.

Dixit AK, Rai AK and Kumar Anil (2011). Suitable planting material for chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) cultivation. IGFRI Newsletter 17 (2): 5-6.

Dixit AK, Rai AK and Pandey Mayank Bhushan (2011). Jowar Chara Aadharit Sasya Paddhatiyon ka Prabandhan. Jowar Saurabh. 2: 25-28.

Kantwa SR, Dixit AK, Washnik, V and Sunil Kumar (2016). Kharif Chara Phasalen. Chara

Kantwa SR, Sunil Kumar, Dixit AK, Srinivasan R and Prasad Mahendra (2022). Studies on Natural Farming Practices in Forage Crops. IGFRI News Letter, 28(2): 5.

Palsaniya, DR and Dixit AK (2015). Rabi Mein Chara Prabandhan. Khad Patrika, September. Pp 41-43.

Rai AK, Dixit AK, Rai SK, Srivastava M and Sunil Kumar. (2012). Enriching soil carbon storage by integration of guinea grass in the cropping system, IGFRI Newsletter 18(1): 4.

Rai AK, Sunil Kumar, Dixit AK and Pandey MB (2011). Samashyagrast Mridaun Mein Krishvaniki Dwara Chara Utpadan. Dwivedi et al. (eds.) Krishivaniki Alok  5: 28-34.

Rai AK, Tripathi SN, Tripathi SB, Dixit AK and Sunil Kumar (2011). Organic nutrient management of guinea grass based cropping system, IGFRI Newsletter 17(3): 4.

Sharma Purushottam, Satyapriya, AK Dixit, DR Palsaniya and JP Upadhyay (2015). ADARSH CHARA GRAM: Towards fodder self sufficiency. IGFRI Newsletter, 21(1-4): 6-7.

Sunil Kumar, Kantwa, SR, Mukesh Choudhary and DixitAK (2017). Kharif Mein Chara Prabandhan. Khad Patrika, June, 2017: 21-24.

Tiwari Sunil, Dixit AK and Choudhary Mukesh (2011). Barani Xhetra Mein Chara Utpadan Ki Dasha evam Disha. In Smarika and Sodh Patra Saransh, 13 Rastriya Krishi Vigyan Sangoshthi, January 21-23, 2011 NRCAF Jhansi, pp 33-37.


Agrawal RK, Sunil Kumar, Dixit AK and Singh JB (2012). Unnat Chara Utpadan Taqneek. (Bulletin 7/2012). ICAR – Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi 284003, India. pp 49.

Dixit AK, Kumar Anil, Singh KK, Rai AK, Das MM, Sharma P, Misra AK, Maity SB and Srivastava MK (2014). Chaya: A Tropical Shrub – Alternate Source of Feed and Fodder (Bulletin). ICAR – Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi 284003, India. pp 30.

Rai AK, Ghosh PK, Ram SN, Singh Sultan, Sunil Kumar, Mahanta SK, Maiti SB, Singh JP, Dixit AK, Tiwari SK, Roy AK, Kumar RV, Mishra AK and Tripathi SB. 2013. Carbon Sequestration in Forage Based Land Use Systems (Bulletin No: 6/2013). Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi.  pp 51.

Rai AK, Singh KK, Das MM, Mahanta SK, Sunil Kumar, Dixit AK and Tripathi SB 2013. Micronutrient Management in Forages (Bulletin No. 3/2013). Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi.  pp. 36.

Sunil Kumar; Agrawal RK, Dixit AK, Rai AK and Rai SK 2012. Forage crops and their management (Bulletin). Indian Grassland Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi 284003 UP, India, pp. 60.

Sunil Kumar; Agrawal RK, Dixit AK, Rai AK, Singh JB and Rai SK 2012. Forage Production Technology for Arable Lands (Bulletin). Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi-284003.  Pp 48.


Anil Kumar, Bali, AS, Dixit AK, Meenakshi, Rajeev and Sharma Neetu (2005). Parthenium management through integrated approach. Division of Agronomy, SKUAST-Jammu.

Dixit AK, Kachroo D, Bali AS, Kumar Anil, Meenakshi, Rajeev and Bazaya BR (2005). Fertigation as a means of efficient nutrient supply. Division of Agronomy, SKUAST-Jammu.

Pandey Sadhna, Ram SN, Sharma P, Satyapriya, Singh HV, Dixit AK and Upadhyaya JP (2012). Training manual on “Adiwasi Krishakon Hetu Bahu Upyogi Fasal Uttpadan evam Rog-Keet Prabandhan ki Unnat Takneek. Under TSP Plan, IGFRI Jhansi.

Pandey Sadhna, Sharma P, Satyapriya, Singh HV, Dixit AK, Ram SN and Upadhyaya JP (2012). Training manual on “Adiwasi Krishakon ki Xhamata Vridhi Hetu Unnat Pashu Palan par Prashixhan. Under TSP Plan, IGFRI Jhansi.

Singh HV, Dixit AK, Satyapriya, Sharma P, Pandey Sadhna and Ram SN (2012). Training manual on “Adiwasi Krishakon Hetu Fasal Uttpadan evam Rog-Keet Prabandhan. Under TSP Plan, IGFRI Jhansi.

Sunil Kumar, Dixit AK, Palsaniya DR, Rai AK, Agrawal RK, Singh JB, Rai SK and Prabhu G (2013). Mitigation of Climate Change through Innovative Forage Production Systems. Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi.  pp. 204.

Sunil Kumar, Palsaniya DR, Dixit AK, Srinivasan R, Kiran Kumar T and Prabhu G (2014). Good Agricultural Practices for Forage Crop Production. Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi. pp.205.

Sunil Kumar, Rai AK, Palsaniya DR, Dixit AK, Srinivasan R, Prabhu G and Kumari Anita (2014). Integrated Nutrient Management for Quality Forage Production. Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi. pp.191.

  • Contribution made in compilation/documentation

Dixit AK, HC Pandey, KP Rao, Shailendra Sinha SR Kantwa and AK Saxena 2017. RMSI Member’s Directory. Range management Society of India, ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi. Pp 1-118.

Kumar Sunil, Mahanta S.K., Singh Sultan, Rai S.K., Dixit A.K., Prasad Mahendra and Radotra Sudesh 2017. Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Fodder Production and Grazing Management. Project Profile. Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi -284003. pp20.

Srinivasan R, Singh JB, Vijay D, Ahmed S, Kushwaha BP, Saxena P,  Pandey Sadhna, Pandey HC, Shah NK, Satyapriya,  Dixit AK,  Sunil Kumar (2014). Souvenir, National Symposium on “Climate Resilient Forage Production and its Utilization”, November, 13-14, 2014. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani, West Bengal, India. pp 1-123.

Compiled and edited Abstracts, National Symposium on Climate Resilient Forage Production and its Utilization held at BCKV Kalyani during November 13-14, 2014. Published by Range Management Society of India, Jhansi, UP.


Membership of professional societies:

  • Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Kolkata
  • Soil Conservation Society of India (SCSI), New Delhi
  • Indian Society of Agronomy (ISA), New Delhi
  • Range Management Society of India (RMSI), Jhansi
  • Indian Society of Agro-forestry (ISAF), Jhansi

Dr. Atiqur Rahman

Dr. Atiqur Rahman

Principal Scientist



1. Name Dr. Atiqur Rahman
2. Designation Principal Scientist
3. Date of birth 10-01-1970
4. Official  Address ICAR-CSSRI, RRS,

Old Jail road, PO; Dilkusha,

Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh

5. Residential Address Plot No.16

Mohdpur Khatri

Off A.K.P. Gas Godown

Kanchana Bihari Marg, Seemant Nagar, Kalyanpur (West),Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, 226022

  1. Academic qualification
Degree Name of university Passing year Division/OGPA
B.Sc. University of Lucknow, Lucknow 1990 1st 
M.Sc. (Physics) University of Lucknow, Lucknow 1993 1st 
Ph.D. (Physics)) University of Lucknow, Lucknow 2005 1st


  1. Date of joining in the ICAR                              03 February, 1997
  1. Service Experience


Pay Scale/

Pay Band with Grade Pay/Research Grade Pay/Pay Level

Nature of work Organization/









Principal Scientist


Rs 37400-67000+10000


Research and Extension ICAR-CSSRI, RRS Lucknow 23/03/2023 Till date
Principal Scientist


Rs 37400-67000+10000


Research, and Extension ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna 03.02.2012 22.03.2023
Senior Scientist Rs 37400-67000+9000


Research, and Extension ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna 03.02.2009 03.02.2012
Senior Scientist Rs 12000-18500 Research, and Extension ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna 03.02.2006 02.02.2009
Scientist (SS) Rs 10000-15200 Research and Extension ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna 03-02-2001 02-02-2006
Scientist Rs 8000-13200 Research and Extension Directorate of Water Management Research, Patna 03-02-1997 02-02-2001

 10.   Specialization

              Solar energy application in agriculture and pressurized irrigation system

11.   Significant achievements

Working on solar energy application in agriculture d, designed and developed solar aerator for fish pond, solar watering system for animal shed, solar humidifier for animal shed, solar irrigation system models, peripatetic solar fish vending cart, design and development of weeder for row crops, solar integrated fish farming model, developed two irrigation nozzles and irrigation system for field crops.

12.   Mailing address

ICAR CSSRI Regional Research Station, Old Jail Road, PO Dikusha, Lucknow-226002 Uttar Pradesh, India


Email:  rahman_patna@yahoo.co.in; atikur.rahman@icar.gov.in


  1. Publications 
  1. Rahman, A. Low Energy Rotary Nozzle: An Energy and Water Saving Device for Field Crop Irrigation.Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 17: 1071-1082.(NAAS:7.28)
  1. Rahman, A. and A.K. Singh.2014.A simple low-cost water sprinkling nozzle for field crop irrigation. Current Sci. 107(1): 22-(NAAS:7.17)
  1. Atul Kumar Singh, Rahman, S. P. Sharma, UpadhyayA and A.K.Sikka.2009. Small Holders’ Irrigation-Problems and Options. Water Resource Management, 23:289-302 DOI 10.1007/s 11269-008-9275-3(NAAS:10.43)
  1. Singh A. K., S. P. Sharma, A.Upadhyaya Rahman and A.K.Sikka.2010. Performance of Low Energy Water Application Device. Water Resource Management 24:1353-1362. (NAAS: 10.43) 
  1. Sundaram PK, Rahman A, Singh AK and Sarkar B. 2021. A novel method for manual weeding in row crops. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,91(6):946-948.(NAAS:6.37)
  2. Manibhushan Upadhyaya A, Singh AK, Batta RK, Singh Anil K, Rahman A, and Sanjeev Kumar. 2014. Decision Support system for design layout and cost estimation of Pressurized Irrigation System. J. of Agril. and Statistical Sciences, Vol (10) No.1:231-236(NAAS:6.0)
  3. Singh AK, Pan RS, Singh RK, Singh IS, Deepak S, Deokaran, Solanki IS, Singh SK, Rahman A, Jeet P, Upadhyaya A and BP. 2021. Evaluation of recently developed faba bean (Vicia faba) varieties Swaran Suraksha and Swaran Gaurav under different Argo-ecological conditions of Eastern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12):27-30.(NAAS:6.37) 
  1. Singh, A.K., Kumar, A., Rahman, A., Sundaram, P.K., and Upadhyaya, A. 2019. Evaluation of faba bean-based crop diversification in Eastern India. Indian Journal of Horticulture76(4): 707-713.(NAAS: 6.23) 
  1. Sarma K., Rahman and A. Dey.2018. Impact of solar operated aerator on dissolved oxygen and fish growth. J. Exp. Zool. India. 21(2), pp: 1041-1046. (NAAS:5.25)
  2.  RahmanA and BP Bhatt. 2014.Scope of solar energy groundwater pumping in Eastern of India. The Ecoscan.8(1&2): 121-125, 2014(NAAS: 5.06)
  1. Monobrullah M., Rahman and R. Kumar. 2018. Solar energy groundwater pumping: A case study in East Champaran, Bihar. Multilogic in Science. Vol. 3, pp: 175-177(NAAS:5.20) 
  2. Rahman, A. and B.P. Bhatt. 2017. Solar energy groundwater pumping: Sustainable solutions to energy squeeze in smallholders’ Irrigation in India.Journal of AgriSearch,4(4):294-297. (NAAS: 4.71)
  1. Rahman A.,K. Singh and A. K. Sikka. 2008. Importance of small Farm holders, their limitations and Opportunities to Adopt efficient Irrigation Technologies. Agricultural Situation in India. Vol 3: pp: 479-484.(NAAS:4.53)
  1. Rahman, A. and B.P. Bhatt. 2017. A Solar System model for Small Farm. Researchin Environment and Life Sciences,.10 (10):812-815(NAAS: 3.74)
  2. Rahman, A. and B.P. Bhatt. 2017. Scope and Options of Solar Energy Use in Agriculture in Eastern region of India. Journal of AgriSearch, 4(1):76-79(NAAS: 4.71)
  3. Rahman. 2015. Solar groundwater pumping in Eastern Region of India.ICAR, DARE Annual Report (2014-15). pp.83
  4. Singh, A.K., A. Islam, S.R. Singh, A. Upadhyaya, Rahman and A.K. Sikka 2015. Low Energy Water Application (LEWA) device: Concept and applications.Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 14(4): 344-351.(NAAS: 5.20)
  5. Rahman A, Sundaram PK .2019 Performance of Small Capacity Solar Pump in Eastern Region of India. Journal of AgriSearch, 7(1):32-34) (NAAS: 4.71)
  6. Rahman, A., Upadhyaya and B.P. Bhatt. 2018. Treadle pump: A low cost irrigation option for marginal farmers.Journal of AgriSearch, 5(2):200-202. (NAAS: 4.71)
  7. Rahman, A., and B. P. Bhatt. Design Approach for Solar Photovoltaic Groundwater Pumping System for Eastern India. 2014. Design approach for solar photovoltaic ground water pumping in Eastern India. Current World Environment. 9(2): 426-429.(NAAS:5.37)
  8. Chandel V S, Rahman, Shukla J P and R Manohar. 2012. Effect of fungicide treatment on dielectric properties of few coursecereals over the frequency range 0.01 to 10 MHz. Walailak J Sci &Tech, 9(3): 217‐227.
  9. Khan A.R., RahmanA., and R.D.Singh. “Influence of soil surface manipulation on soil temperature in relation to peanut production. Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences 5(1): ISSN 0974-9411 Page 24-28(NAAS: 4.28)
  10. Rahman A, Sundaram PK, Sarkar B, Jeet P,Singh AK and Upadhyaya A. 2023Performance of Low Capacity Solar Pump under Tracked and Fixed Mechanism of Solar Array in Eastern Region of India.Journal of AgriSearch, 9(4): 334-337(NAAS: 4.71) 
  1. Rahman A, Shukla JP, and Singh AK. 2021.Dielectric properties of sorghum seeds in the radio frequency range. Journal of AgriSearch, 8 (4): 370-375(NAAS: 4.71) 
  1. Rahman A., B. Sarkar, Ajay Kumar, K. Sarma, A. Dey and A. Upadhyaya.2020. Solar photovoltaic technology options for smallholders. Journal of Natural Resource Conservation and Management 1, No. 1, pp 48-53.
  2. Sarkar B. P K Sundaram, A P Anurag, R Kumar, Ujjwal Kumar, Rahman and A Upadhyaya.2021. Hand Ergonomic Evaluation of Hand Operated Maize Sheller for Reducing Drudgery of Farm Women in Bihar. Journal of AgriSearch, 8 (1): 30-34(NAAS: 4.71) 
  3. Singh AK, Singh L, Raman RK, Upadhyaya A, RahmanA, Pawan Jeet, P K Sundaram, Kirti Saurabh, S K Yadav Yasin JK and Ujjwal Kuma.2021.Diversity expressed by Wheat Germplasm under Temperate Srinagar (J & K). Conditions.2021. Journal of AgriSearch, 8 (2): 83-88(NAAS: 4.71)
  1. Rahman A. A solar system model for small farm. In: Our Action are our future, better production better nutrition, a better environment and better life. Bihar State Productivity Council. World Food Day, pp 37-41.
  1. S. Mali, E. Schmidt, M. Scobie, F. Sugden, S. Leder, T.L. Bhutia, A. Rahman, Ajay Kumar, A. Upadhyaya, Anoj Kumar, R. Kumar, Manibhushan, A. K. Singh, B. P. Bhatt. 2020. Improving Dry Season Irrigation in Eastern Gangetic Plains of India: Learnings from ACIAR-ICAR Collaborative Project 
  1. Rahman A. and S. Rahman. 2010. Population Dynamical Model for AIDS Patient of a Particular Area. Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, Turkey.11 No.2 pp.3-11
  1. Manibhushan, Subhas N, Kumar Abhay, Batta RK, Kumar S, and Rahman.2006.Rational data base management of water resources and crop production in Bihar State.Int. J. of Tropical Agriculture. Vol 34 (3-4):359-365. (NAAS:3.94)
  1. Rahman, A., and J.P. Shukla. 2006. Dielectric Properties of vegetable seeds in the frequency range of 0.01 to 10MHz. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 24(1-2):105-120(NAAS: 3.94) 
  1. Rahman, A., and J.P. Shukla.2006. Effect of fungicide treatment on low frequency dielectric properties of few vegetable seeds. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture Vol.24.No.4.2006.(NAAS:3.94)
  1. KhanAR,Sing SS, PrasadLK, Batta RK, Sikka AK, Rahman and B.K. Sinha. Effect of tillage on biochemical parameters and growth of wheat. In proceeding of Agro-Environ.2006. Ghent, Belgium, pp.197-203.
  1. Manibhushan, N. Subash, A. Kumar, R.K. Batta, S. Kumar, and Rahman. Relational database management of water resources and crop production in Bihar State.2006. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. Vol24, No.4.2006(NAAS: 3.94)
  1. Gautam U.S., S.S. Singh, Rahman, Ujjawal Kumar, A.R. Reddy and S.R Singh. 2000. Constraint Analysis and system interventions for enhancing the water and land productivity of Sone canal system, Bihar.Vigyan Bharti Pradipica: 7(1&2):186-188
  1. Singh S.R., U.S. Gautam, Rahman andUjjawal Kumar.2001.A system approach to enhance crop productivity in Central Bihar. Published in proceeding of Bihar’s strategic direction for economic development: Bihar Industries Association.
  1. KumarUjjawal, U.S. Gautam, S.S. Singh, S.R. Singh and Rahman.2001. Conjunctive use of rainwater and groundwater in canal command area for increasing crop productivity. Vigyan Bharti Pradipica:7 (2) :63-65
  1. R. Singh, U.S. Gautam, A. Rahman, Ujjawal Kumar and S. K. Sinha .2002.A system approach to enhance rice-wheat productivity in Sone Command: ICAR-RCER Bulletin No. 3.
  1. R. Singh, U.S. Gautam, Ujjawal Kumar A. Rahman, and S. K. Sinha.2002. “Groundwater development enhances surface rainwater utilization and agricultural productivity in Southern Bihar”. Proceeding of IWMI-TATA Policy Research Programming. 2002, Karnal , India.
  1. S. Gautam, S.S. Singh. A. Rahman, Ujjawal Kumar, A.R. Reddy and S.R Singh. Constraint Analysis and system interventions for enhancing the water and land productivity of Sone canal system, Bihar. Vigyan Bharti Pradipica: 7(1&2):186-188.2002.
  1. Gautama, U.S, S.R. Singh, Rahman, and Ujjwal Kumar. Systems Approach through Participatory Mode for improving water productivity in agriculture. Proceeding of National Seminar on Technological Options for Improving water Productivity in Agriculture. JNKVV, Jabalpur, India

Dr. Anil Kumar Dubey

Dr. Anil Kumar Dubey

Head, RRS Lucknow


01 Name Dr. Anil Kumar Dubey
02 Designation Head
03 Date of birth 01-06-1967
04 Official  Address ICAR-CSSRI, RRS,

Old Jail road, PO; Dilkusha,

Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh

05 Residential Address G-252, Tyagi Vihar, AWHO Colony

Near Bangla Bazar, PO; Dilkusha,

Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh

  1. Academic qualification
Degree Name of university Passing year Division/OGPA
B.Sc. (Ag &AH) C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur 1988 1st  (81%)
M.Sc. Ag (Hort) Do 1992 1st  (  9.84/10)
Ph.D. (Hort.) Do 1996  Ist ( 8.84/10)


  1. Date of joining in the ICAR                              20 February, 1995
  2. Service Experience


Pay Scale/

Pay Band with Grade Pay/Research Grade Pay/Pay Level

Nature of work Organization/









Head Rs 37400-67000+10000


Research, Teaching, Extension and management ICAR-CSSRI, RRS Lucknow 14/07/2023 till date
Principal Scientist


Rs 37400-67000+10000


Research, Teaching and Extension ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 20.02.2010 13/07/2023
Senior Scientist Rs 37400-67000+9000


Research, Teaching and Extension ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 20.02.2007 19.02.2010
Senior Scientist Rs 12000-18500 Research, Teaching and Extension ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 20.02.2004 19.02.2007
Scientist (SS) Rs 10000-15200 Research, Teaching and Extension ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 10.10.2002 19.02.2004
Scientist (SS) Rs 10000-15200 Research and Extension ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya 07-07-2000 9-10-2002
Scientist (SS) Rs 10000-15200 Research and Extension Research Complex for NEH A P centre Basar, Arunachal Pradesh 20-02-1999 6-07-2000
Scientist Rs 8000-13200 Research and Extension ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, A P centre Basar, Arunachal Pradesh 20-02-1995 19-02-1999


10.  Specialization

Citrus and mango breeding, rootstock research and management of abiotic stresses in fruit crops.

  1. Publications
Research papers 112
Popular articles 38
Book chapters 26
Bulletin 05
Practical manual 03
Scientific Review paper 02
Edited book 03
Authored book (Hindi) 01
Extension folder 03
E-Publication 17


  1. Fellowship and Award
  2. Fellowship
  1. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), New Delhi
  2. Indian Academy of Horticultural Sciences (IAHS), New Delhi
  3. SAS Eminent Fellow Membership (SEFM), Scholar Academy and Scientific Society (International Society for Academy and Scientific Integration), India
  1. Awards
  1. Rajeev Gandhi Rastriya Gyan Vigyan Maulik Pustak lekhan Purskar (first award) (Rs 2.0 lakh cash and certifiacte), Ministry of Home affairs, Government of India, new Delhi.
  2. Dr Shyam Singh Best Scientist Award for Citrus during 2014-15 by Indian Society of Citriculture.
  1. Best paper award
  • JSAE best paper award (2012) Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering

Jalgaonkar, Kirti R., Jha, S.K., Pal, R.K., Sethi, S., Raina, Archana, P. and Dubey, A.K. (2012). Effect of storage of fruit on quality of citrus peel essential oil. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 49(3):12-17.

  • Horticulture Society of India best paper award

Lal, S. Singh, A.K., Manish Srivastav, Dubey, A.K. and Singh, N.K. (2008). Genetic diversity assessment in Indian grape by Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) markers. Indian J. Hort. (65):383-388.

  1. Recognition
  1. Editor, Turkish Journal of Biology (2014)
  2. Associate Editor, International Journal of Horticulture Science
  3. Editorial Board member, Progressive Horticulture
  1. Teaching and guidance
Name of course Degree programme Duration
Breeding of fruit crops M.Sc 2002-2007
Plant propagation M.Sc 2002-2013
Fundamentals of fruit production M.Sc 2007-2015
Fruit production-I M.Sc. 2007-2012
Sub Tropical and Temperate M.Sc 2019-2023
Abiotic stress management in fruit crops Ph.D 2019-2023
Modern trend in fruit production Ph.D 2022-23
Recent development in growth regulation Ph.D 2022-23
Smart fruit production Ph.D 2022-23


Guided 7 Ph. D. and 8 M. Sc. students of PG school of IARI, New Delhi



Significant achievements
Working on fruit crops improvement, rootstock research and stress, and nutrient management in fruit crops in different agroclimatic conditions such as hilly areas (ICAR Research Complex for NEH region, A.P. Centre, Basar, Arunachal Pradesh and ICAR-RC, Umiam, Meghalaya) and subtropical plains (IARI, New Delhi), ICAR-CSSRI, RRS Lucknow. Developed 13 varieties of citrus fruits and mango, which were released either by CVRC or SVRC. Six varieties (02 in citrus; Pusa Round and Pusa Abhinav) as team leader and four in mango (Pusa Shresth, Pusa Pratibha, Pusa Lalima and Pusa Peetamber,) as co-developer were notified by CVRC. Each variety in lemon ‘Pusa Lemon-1’, acid lime  ‘Pusa Udit’ ‘Pummelo  ‘Pusa Arun’, sweet orange ‘Pusa Sharad’ and two varieties in mango ‘Pusa Deepshikha’, and ‘Pusa Manohari’ ‘has been released by SVRC of NCT of Delhi. Developed protocol for maximizing hybrid seedling recovery in polyembryonic x polyembryonic crosses in citrus and also identified SSR markers for their confirmation hybrid origin, which will help large number of hybrid seedlings. Recommended high yielding varieties of sweet orange, mandarin for foot hills of Arunachal Pradesh and grapefruit varieties for commercial cultivation for Delhi NCR region, Standardized softwood grafting for large scale multiplication of Khasi mandarin and IARI released mango varieties. Identified salt tolerant (Na and Cl excluders) rootstocks in mango and citrus, Further, identified potential polyembryonic rootstock(s) for five varieties of mango (Pusa Arunima, Pusa Surya, Amrapali, Mallika and Dushehari), lemon cv Kagzi Kalan, sweet orange variety Mosambi as well grapefruit varieties ‘Marsh Seedless’ and ‘Redblush’ for subtropical conditions. Developed technologies for mitigating NaCl stress effects in citrus, also established criteria for screening the citrus against salt stress. Developed nutrient management scheduling for acid lime and Khasi mandarin for mid hills conditions of Arunachal Pradesh.


Mailing  address

ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Regional Research Station, Old Jail Road, PO Dikusha, Lucknow-226002 Uttar Pradesh, INDIA

Google scholar https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=cfRBvmYAAAAJ&hl=en


Email:anil.dubey1@icar.gov.in; akd67@rediffmail.com




Research papers

  1. Sharma, N., Sharma, R. M. and Dubey, A.K* (2023). Production and verification of lemon x acid lime hybrid population via embryo rescue, Indian J. Hort. 80 (1), 24-29.
  2. Vittal1 H., SharmaI, N., Dubey, A. K., Shivran1 M., Singh, S. K., Meena, M. C., Kumar, N., Sharma, N.,  Singh, N., Pandey, R., Bollinedi, H., Singh, B. P., Sharma, R. M. (2023). Rootstock-mediated carbohydrate metabolism, nutrient contents, and physiological modifications in regular and alternate mango (Mangifera indica L.) scion varieties. PLoS ONE 18(5): e0284910. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0284910.
  3. Sharma, R. M., Dubey, A. K., Awasthi, O. P., Sharma V. K. and Kumar A. (2023). Long-term performance of grapefruit cultivars on different rootstocks. Indian J. ,80:73-79.
  4. Mahawer, K, Dubey A.K., Awasthi O.P., Singh. D., Dahuja, A., Sevanthi, A.M., Kumar, A., Goswami, A.K., Sharma, N., Yadav, J, Kesharwani, A.K. et al., (2023). Elucidation of Physio-Biochemical Changes in Citrus spp. Incited by Xanthomonas citri pv. citri. Horticulturae. 1;9(3):324.
  5. Sharma, N., Shivran, M., Singh, N., Dubey A.K., Singh, S.K., Sharma, N., Gupta, R., Vittal, H., Singh, B.P., Mithra, S.V. and Singh, N.K. (2023). Differential gene expression associated with flower development of mango (Mangifera indica L.) varieties with different shelf-life. Gene Expression Patterns, 119301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gep.2022.119301.
  6. Shivran M, Sharma N, Dubey A K, Singh SK, Singh N, Sharma RM and Singh R (2022). Scion–Rootstock Relationship: Molecular mechanism and quality fruit production. Agriculture, 12(12), 2036.
  7. Shivran, M, Sharma, N., Dubey, A. K*., Singh, S. K., Sharma, N., Muthusamy, V. Jain, M., Singh, B. P., Singh, N., Kumar, N.,   Singh, N., Sethi, S., and  Sharma, R. M. (2023). Scion/Rootstock Interaction Studies for Quality Traits in    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Varieties. Agronomy, 13:204 https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13010204.
  8. Shivran, M., Sharma, N., Sharma, N., Muthusamy, V., Dubey, A.K., Singh, S.K., Singh, B.P., Kumar, N., Sevanthi, A.M., Singh, N. and Singh, N. K. (2023). Development of ripening gene specific markers and their association with shelf-life in mango varieties. Nat. Acad. Sci. Lett., https://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-023-01207-0.
  9. Kundu, Manoj and Dubey A. K. (2022). Impact of c ray Exposure on In vitro Pollen Viability and Seed Development Pattern in Different Interspecific Crosses of Citrus. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lethttps://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-022-01136-4.
  10. Singh, K., Awasthi, O. P., Dubey, A. K., Sharma, V. K., Kuma, S. and Theivanai, M (2022). Effect of ionizing radiation on morphological characters and leaf nutrient content of sweet orange cv. Mosambi . Indian J. Hort. 79(1),  23-29.
  11. Kadam, D. M., Dubey, A. K., Sharma, R. M., Morade, A., Sharma, N., and Bhardwaj, C (2022). Response of citrus (Citrus sps.) rootstock hybrids to PEG induced drought under hydroponic system. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 92 (10): 1230–1236. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v92i10.125062
  12. Laxmi Nayak, S., Sethi, S., Sahoo, R.N., Dubey, A. K. and Goel, S. (2022). Potential of X-ray imaging to detect citrus granulation in different cultivars with progress in harvesting time. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 60, :263-268 .
  13. Murugan, T., Awasthi, O. P., Singh,S. K.,  Dubey, A. K. and Kumar K. (2022). Modified protocol to overcome in vitro recalcitrance of premature micro-shoots abscission by silver supplementation in Kinnow mandarin (Citrus nobilis L. × Citrus deliciosa T.) Indian J. Biochem. Biophy., 59: 687-695:
  14. Kalal, P., Sharma, R. M., Dubey, A. K., Kamil, D., Lekshmy, S. Kumar, A. and Awasthi O. P. (2021). Tolerance mechanism in hybrid citrus rootstock progenies against Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Indian J. Exp. Biol., 59:202-213.
  15. Dubey, A. K. *, Gupta, A., Sharma, R. M., and Sharma, N. (2021). Immature embryo rescue, embryo germination, plantlets growth and establishing hybridity via SSR markers in hybrid progeny derived from polyemebryonic Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) × sour orange ( aurantium). Indian J. Agric Sci., 91 (2): 279–82.
  16. Dubey, A. K. *, Sharma, R. M., Deepak and Kumar, A (2021) Long term performance of mango varieties on five polyembryonic rootstocks under subtropical conditions: effect on vigour, yield, fruit quality and nutrient acquisition. Hortic., DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2021.109944.
  17. Kalal, P., Sharma, R. M. Dubey, A. K., Kamil, D., Lekshmy S., Kumar, A. and Awasthi, Awasthi, O. P. (2021). Tolerance mechanism in hybrid citrus rootstock progenies against Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan, Indian J Exp. Biol., 59 : 202-213.
  18. Kumar, S.,, Awasthi, O. P., Bharadwaj. C., Dubey, A. K.,  Singh, A and  Pandey R. (2021). Impact of ionising irradiation on physio-biochemical traits of Kinnow mandarin. Indian J. Hort. 78(2), : 149-15.
  19. Dubey, A. K.*, Kholia A., Sharma, N., Sharma, R. M. 2021. Assessing genetic diversity in Indian pummelo collections utilizing quantitative traits and simple sequence repeat markers (SSRs). 78(1):3-8. Indian J. Hort. http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/0974-0112.2021.00001.3.
  20. Singh, K., Awasthi, O. P., Dubey, A. K., Sharma, V. K., Kuma, S. and Theivanai, M (2022). Effect of ionizing radiation on morphological characters and leaf nutrient content of sweet orange cv. Mosambi . Indian J. Hort. 79(1),  23-29.
  21. Sahoo, T., Verma, M. K., Dubey, A. K., Thakre, M., Sharma, V. K., Bharadwaj, C., Singh, S. K., Patel, Patel., V.B., Kumar, C. Fitrat, K. Grace, U. M. and Mir, A (2020). Preharvest application of methyl jasmonate for improving postharvest quality of ‘Pusa Navrang’ grapes. Indian J. Hort. 76(4): 721-727.
  22. Le, Thi Khoe, Dubey, A. K*.Sharma R. M., Awasthi, O. P., S Lekshmy1, Meena M. C., Mishra A. K. (2020) Citrus rootstock genotypes response to drought: Alternation in morphology, physiology and leaf mineral content. Indian J. Hortic., 17(2):237-245. http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/0974-0112.2020.00032.8.
  23. Kundu, M and Dubey, Anil. (2020) Effect of gamma ray irradiated pollen technique on seed development pattern in Citrus. Indian J. Genet., 80(4) 450-458. DOI: 10.31742/IJGPB.80.4.11.
  24. Dubey, A. K. *, Gupta, A., Sharma, R. M. and Sharma, N. (2020) Maximizing hybrid seedlings recovery and early identification of highly polyembryonic acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia) × lemon (Citrus limon Burm.) hybrids using SSR markers. J. Hortic. Res., 28(2): DOI: 10.2478/johr-2020-24.
  25. Laxmi, N. S., Sethi, S., Sharma, R. R. and Dubey, A. K. (2020) and Arpan Bhowmik (2020). Variation in fruit quality traits and health promoting compounds of citrus fruits grown in semi-arid region. Indian J. Hort. 77(4): 627-632
  26. Jadhav, A.K., Sharma, R.M., Dubey, A.K. and Goswami, S (2019). Biochemical changes during flowering in Citrus species. Indian J. Horti., 76 (2), 259-264.
  27. Singh, K., Sharma, R. M., Dubey, A. K., Kamil, D., Lekshmy, S., Awasthi, O. P. and Jha, G. K. (2019). Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan induced stress changes in citrus rootstock genotypes. Indian J. Exp. Biol., 57:248-258.
  28. Kumar, S., Awasthi, O. P., Dubey, A. K., Dahuja, A and Singh A. (2019). Influence of rootstocks on growth, yield, quality and physiological activity of’Kinnow mandarin grown in a semi-arid region, FRUITS 74 (5), 205-213.
  29. Mallick, M., Dubey, A. K*., Singh, S. K. and Sharma, R. M. (2019). Tree morphology, yield and fruit quality of grapefruit cultivars on different rootstocks in Inceptisol. Indian J. Hort. 76(3): 405-410
  30. Soni, A., Dubey, A. K*., Gupta, A., Sharma, R. M., Awasthi, O. P., Bharadwaj, C and Sharma, N (2019) Optimizing embryo age and media for enhancing hybrid seedling recovery in sour orange (Citrus aurantium) × Sacaton citrumelo ( paradisi × Poncirus trifoliata) crosses through embryo rescue, Plant Breeding, 138:368–376. DOI: 10.1111/pbr.12690.
  31. Nishad, J., Saha, S., Dubey, A. K., Varghese, E. and Kaur, C. (2019). Optimization and comparison of non-conventional extraction technologies for Citrus paradisi L. peels: a valorization approach. J Food Sci Technol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-019-03585-0.
  32. Dubey, A. K., Sharma, R. M. Awasth, O. P., Sharma, N. and Kholia, A. (2019). Morphological characterization of Indian pummelo (Citrus maxima). Indian J. Agric. Sci., 89 (9): 1523–8.
  33. Kalal, P., Sharma, R. M., Dubey, A. K., Kamil, D., Lekshmy, S. Kumar, A. and Awasthi O. P. (2019). Physio-biochemical responses of hybrid citrus rootstock progenies to NaCl induced salinity. Indian J. Agric. Sci.,89 (6), 975-982.
  34. Mirjha, P. R. Rana, D.S., Choudhary, A K. and Dubey, A. K. (2018). Influence of cultivars, cropping systems and nutrient levels on yield and quality of mango in north India, Indian J. Hort. 75(1), 21-26.
  35. Nishad, J., Singh, S. P., Singh, S., Saha, S., Dubey, A. K., Varghese, E. and Kaur C. (2018). Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of selected Indian pummelo (Citrus grandis Osbeck) germplasm. Sci. Hortic., 233:446-454.
  36. Singh, K., Sharma, R. M., Dubey, A. K., Kamil, D, Lekshmy S., Awasthi, O. P. and Jha, G. K. (2018). Response of the citrus rootstock genotypes against artificial inoculation of Phytophthora nicotianae. Indian J. Agric. Sci.,88 (5): 786–90.
  37. Sharma, Dew Kumari, Dubey*, A.K. Srivastav, Manish Singh, A.K. Sairam, R.K. Pandey, R.N. Dahuja, Anil and Kaur, Charanjeet (2011). Effect of putrescine and PBZ on growth, physiochemical parameters and nutrient acquisition on salt sensitive citrus rootstock Karna khatta (Citrus karna Raf.) under NaCl stress. J Plant Growth Regul, 30 (3): 301-311.
  38. Kakade, V., Dubey, A. K.*, Sharma, R. M. and Malik, S. K. (2017). Gametophytic self-incompatibility causes seedlessness in ‘Kagzi Kalan’ lemon (Citrus limon). J. Hortic Sci. Biotechnol, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14620316.2016.1276415.
  39. Kumar, S, Awasthi, O. O., Dubey, A. K., Pandey, R., Sharma, V. K., Mishra, A. K. and Sharma, R. M. (2017). Root morphology and the effect of rootstocks on leaf nutrient acquisition of Kinnow mandarin (Citrus nobilis Loureiro × Citrus reticulata Blanco). J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol, https://doi.org/10.1080/ 2017.1345333
  40. Kundu, Manoj and Dubey, A K* (2017) Effect of gama ray irradiated pollen technique on fruit growth in Citrus. Applied Horti., 19(2): 143-146.
  41. Kumar, S., Awasthi, O.P., Dubey, A.K. and Sharma, R.M. 2017. Effect of different rootstocks on growth, leaf sclerophylly and chlorophyll fractions of Kinnow mandarin. Indian J. Hort. 74(4): 505-509.
  42. Dubey, A K*, Sharma, R M and Awasthi, O.P.. 2017. Rootstock induced changes in tree physiology and antioxidant enzymes activity in lemon cv. Kagzi Kalan. Indian J Hort. 74 (3): 357-361
  43. Dayal, V., Dubey, A. K*., Singh, S.K., Sharma R. M. and Pandey, R.N. 2017.Effect of polyembryonic rootstocks on leaf mineral composition of five cultivars under Inceptisol. Indian J. Hort. 74(2): 210-213.
  44. Mallick, M., Awasthi, O.P., Singh, S.K. and Dubey A.K. (2016). Physiological and biochemical changes in pre-bearing mutants of Kinnow mandarin (C. nobilis Lour × deliciosa Tenora). Sci. Hortic., 199 : 178–185.
  45. Dayal, V., Dubey, A. K*., Singh, S. K., Sharma, R. M., Dahuja, A. and Kaur, C. (2016). Growth, yield and physiology of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars as affected by polyembryonic rootstocks. Sci. Hortic., 199 : 186-197.
  46. Dubey K. and Sharma R. M. (2016). Effect of rootstocks on tree growth, yield, quality and leaf mineral composition of lemon (Citrus limon (L.) Burm.). Sci. Hortic., 200: 131–136.
  47. Sharma, R. M., Dubey, A. K., Awasthi, O. P., and Kaur C (2016) Growth, yield, fruit quality and leaf nutrient status of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.): Variation from rootstocks. , Hortic., 210: 41–48. http://dx.doi.org /10.1016/ j.scienta.2016.07.013.
  48. Kundu, M., Dubey, A. K. and Mallik S. K. (2016) Effect of gamma ray irradiation doses on pollen viability and in-vitro germination in Citrus. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 86 (10): 1333–6.
  49. Kundu, M., Dubey, A. K., Srivastav, M., Mallik, S. K. (2016). Induction of haploid plants in citrus through gamma irradiated pollen and ascertain of ovule age for maximum recovery of haploid plantlets. Turkish J. Biol., DOI: 10.3906/biy-1606-28.
  50. Sharma, Nimisha, Dubey, A K., Srivastav, M., Singh, B.P., Singh, A. K. and  Singh, N. K. (2015). Assessment of genetic diversity in grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf) cultivars using physico-chemical parameters and microsatellite markers. J. Crop Sci., 9(1):62-68
  51. Kundu, M., Dubey A. K., Srivastav, M., Malik S., Singh, B. (2015) Effect of gamma ray irradiation and cryopreservation on pollen stainability, in vitro germination and fruit set in Citrus. Turkish J. Biology, 38:1-9.
  52. Marboh, E S, Singh, A K, Dubey A K and Prakash J (2015). Analysis of genetic variability among citrus (Citrus spp) genotypes using morphological traits. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 85 (2): 203–11.
  53. Sharma, R. M., Dubey, A. K. and Awasthi, O. P. (2015) Physiology of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi ) cultivars as affected by rootstock. J. Hortic. Sci. & Biotechno. 90 (3) 325–331.
  54. Dubey A. K*., Sharma R. M., Awasthi, O P., Srivastav M. and Sharma, N (2015) Genetic diversity in lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swing.) and lemon (Citrus limon (L.) Burm.) based on quantitative traits in India. Agroforest Syst DOI 10.1007/s10457-015-9867-x.
  55. Awasthi, O.P., Dubey, A.K., Sharma, V.K., Prakash, J., Goswami, A.K. and Sharma, R.M. (2015). Saline irrigation induced changes in growth, physiology and ionic relations in Kinnow budded on Jatti khatti and Sohsarkar. Indian J. Hort. 72(3): 313-318.
  56. Kakade, V., Dubey*, A. K. and Pandey, R. N. (2014). Comparative Efficacy of Different Triazole Compounds as NaCl Stress Protectants in Kinnow Budded on Salt Susceptible Rootstock Jatti Khatti. Int. J. Fruit Sci., DOI: 10.1080/15538362.2013.818829.
  57. Dayal, V., Dubey*, A. K., Awasthi, O. P. Pandey, R. N. Dahuja, A. (2014). Growth, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and nutrient accumulation in Amrapali mango (Mangifera indica L) grafted on different rootstocks under NaCl stress. Plant Knowl. J, 3(1):15-22.
  58. Singh, Ankit, Srivastav, M., Singh, A. K. Dubey, A.K. and Lal, S. K. (2014) Flowering attributes of parental mango genotypes. Indian J. Hort. 71(4),  458-463
  59. Pandey, , Singh, A. K., Dubey, A. K. and Awasthi, O. P. (2014). Effect of salinity stress on growth and nutrient uptake in polyembryonic mango rootstocks. Indian J. Hort. 71,: 28-34.
  60. Pandey, , Singh, A. K., Dubey, A. K. And Dahuja, A. (2014). Biochemical and salt ion uptake responses of seven mango (Mangifera indica L.) rootstocks to NaCl stress. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol., 89  367–372.
  61. Srivastav, M., Singh A K., Dubey, A. K. and Bhagat, S.K. (2014) effect of self, open and cross pollination with Sensation on fruit set in mango cultivar Amrapali. Indian J Hortic., 71(3):412-414.
  62. Dubey*, A. K., Srivastav, M. and Kaur, Charanjit (2014).Variation of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) strains in India and selection of high yielding strains. Indian J Hortic., 71(3):321-325.
  63. Singh, A , Srivastav, M., Singh, A.K., Dubey A. K. and Lal, S.K. (2014). Flowering attributes of parental mango genotypes. Indian J. Hort. 71(4): 458-463
  64. Dutta, S. K., Srivastav, M, Rymbai, H., Chaudhary, R., Singha, K., Dubey, A.K., Lal, K. (2013). Pollen–pistil interaction studies in mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae 160 : 213–221.
  65. Sharma, Dew Kumari, Dubey*, A.K. Srivastav, Manish Singh, A.K. Sairam, R.K. Pandey, R.N. Dahuja, Anil and Kaur, Charanjeet (2011). Effect of putrescine and PBZ on growth, physiochemical parameters and nutrient acquisition on salt sensitive citrus rootstock Karna khatta (Citrus karna Raf.) under NaCl stress. J Plant Growth Regulation, 30 (3): 301-311.
  66. Sharma D. Kumari, Dubey*, A. K., Srivastav, M. Singh, A. K. Randey, R. N. Dahuja A. (2013). Effect of Paclobutrazol and Putrescine on AntioxidantEnzymes Activity and Nutrients Content in Salt Tolerant Citrus Rootstock Sour Orange under Sodium Chloride Stress. Plant Nutr., 36:1765–1779, 2013.
  67. Dubey*, A. K., Srivastav, M and Kaur, C. (2013). Fruit quality, antioxidant enzymes activity and yield of six cultivars of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) grown under subtropical conditions. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 83(8):842-46.
  68. Jalgaonkar, Kirti R., Jha, S.K., Pal, R.K., Sethi, S., Raina, Archana, P. and Dubey, A.K. (2012). Effect of storage of fruit on quality of citrus peel essential oil. J. Agric. Eng., 49(3):12-17.
  69. Kakade, V., Dubey*, A. K., Awasthi, O. P. and Dahuja, A. (2012) Responses of physiochemical attributes of Kinnow budded on jatti khatti to triazole treatment under salinity. Acta Agronomica Hung., 60(4): 433–447.
  70. Patel, S. K. Dubey*, A.K. Srivastav, M.. Singh, A.K Dahuja, A. and Pandey R.N. (2011). Effect of NaCl concentrations in irrigation water on growth, antioxidant enzymes and nutrient acquisition in different citrus rootstocks. J Hort. Sci and Biotechnology, 86(2):189-195.
  71. Lata, K., srivastav, M., Dubey, A. K.,  Singh,  K. and Sairam,  R. K. (2011). Effect of polyamines on seedlings of two mango (Mangifera indica L.) rootstocks under salt stress. Indian J. Plant Physiol., Vol. 16 (3&4): 258-267.
  72. Sethi, S. Srivastav, M., Samuel, D. V. K., Singh, A. K., Dubey, A. K. and Singh, G. (2011). Evaluation of newly developed mango (Mangifera indica) hybrids for their storage behaviour and peel colour,” Indian J. Agric. Indian, 81: 252-255.
  73. Singh A.K., Sinha Pallavi, Dubey A.K. and Srivastav Manish. 2011. Characterization of citrus germplasm using simple sequence repeat markers. Indian J. Gen. Plant Breed. 71 (4): 349-355
  74. Jha, S. K. S. Sethi, M. Srivastav, K. Dubey, R.R. Sharma, D.V.K. Samuel and A.K. Singh (2010). Firmness characteristics of mango hybrids under ambient storage. J. Food Eng, 97 (2):208-212.
  75. Srivastav, M., , A.K., Singh, A.K., Pandey, R.N. and Deshmukh, P.S. (2009). Effect of salt stress on mortality, reduction in root growth and distribution of mineral nutrients in Kurrukkan mango at nursery stage. Indian J. Hort., 66(1): 28-34.
  76. Kishore, A., Srivastav, Manish, Dubey, A.K., Singh, A.K., Sairam, R.K., Pandey, R.N. and Dahuja, A. (2009). Paclobutrazole minimize salt stress effects in mango (Mangifera indica l.). Hort. Sci. and Biotech., 84 (4): 450-465.
  77. Srivastav, M., M. Kumar, Dubey, A.K., Singh, A.K. and Sairam, R.K. (2009). Relationship between physiological and vigour indices in polyembryonic genotypes of mango (Mangifera indica). Indian J. Agric. Sci., 79(6):469-71.
  78. Dubey, A. K., Srivastav, Manish, Singh, A. K. and Pandey, R. N. (2009). Growth and physiological response of salt sensitive and salt tolerant rootstocks of citrus to paclobutrazol under salt stress. Indian J. Agric. Sci,, 79(8):595- 599.
  79. Shareefa, M., Singh, A. K., Srivastav, Manish, and Dubey, A. K., (2009). Differentiation of nucellar and zygotic seedlings in citrus using ISSR marker. Indian J. Agric. Sci, 79(11):884-889.
  80. Srivastav, M., M. Kumar, Dubey, A.K., Singh, A.K. and Sairam, R.K. (2009). Relationship between some growth parameters and vigour of polyembryonic mango genotypes. Indian J. Hort. (4):438-444.
  81. Lal, S. Singh, A.K., Manish Srivastav, Dubey, A.K. and Singh, N.K. (2008). Genetic diversity assessment in Indian grape by Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) markers. Indian J. Hort. (65):383-388.
  82. Babu, K.D, Dubey, A.K. and yadav, D.S. (2007). Effect of micro-nutrients on enhancing the productivity and quality of Kinnow. Indian J. Hort., 64:353-356.
  83. Srivastav, Manish, Dubey, A.K.,N. Pandey and Deshmukh, P.S. (2007). Effect of soil salinity on survival, growth and chlorophyll contents of Kurrukan mango (Mangifera indica). Indian J. Agric. Sci. 77:685-688.
  84. Dubey, A.K., Manish Srivastav, Y.K. Sharma, R.N. Pandey and Deshmukh, P.S. (2007). Dry mass production and distribution of nutrients in two mango rootstocks as affected by salinity. Indian J Horti., 64:385-390.
  85. Dubey, A.K., Srivastav, Manish, Singh, Room Pandey N. and Deshmukh  P.S. (2006) Response of mango (Mangifera indica L.) genotypes to graded levels of salt stress. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 670-672.
  86. Pandey, S.N., Dubey, A.K., Kaur, Charanjeet, Singh, O.P. and Singh, M.N. (2006). Identification of superior clones and elite seedlings of mango from Uttar Pradesh. Indian J. Hort., 63(1):12-15.
  87. Babu, K. D. Yadav, D.S., Sharma, Y.P. and Dubey, A.K. (2006). Prevention of premature fruit drop in Khasi mandarin in east Khasi hills of north east India. Int. J. Tropical Agriculture3-4.
  88. Srivastav, M., Dubey, A.K. and Sharma, R.R. (2005). Effect of rootstocks on leaf nutrient, tree growth, yield and fruit quality of sweet orange cv. Mosambi under Delhi conditions. Indian J. Agric Sci. 75(6): 333-335.
  89. Singh, A. K., Dubey K. and Vibha Dhawan (2004). Phenotypic stability of in- vitro regenerated plants of strawberry (Fragaria x Ananassa Duch). Prog Hort. 36 (1): 5-7.
  90. Dubey, A.K., Rai, Mathura and Upadyaya, R.C. (2004). Varietal evaluation of mandarin orange for mid altitude of Arunachal Pradesh. Int. J. Tropical Agriculture, 22(1-4):81-93
  91. Dubey, A. K. and Yadav D. S. (2004). Growth pattern of different cultivars of Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) during Spring flush under mild hill condition of Arunachal Pradesh. Haryana J. hort. Sci.33(3&4):163-164.
  92. Dubey, A. K., Mishra, M. and Yadav, D.S. Studies on new propagation Techniques for Khasi Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Indian J. Hort.61(3):263-64.
  93. Dubey, A. K., Patel, R.K and Singh, A.K. (2004). Performance of citrus species and hybrids in nursery at mid altitude of Khasi hills of Meghalaya. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 74(10):552-554.
  94. Dubey, A. K. and Singh, A.K. (2004). Response of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) to split doses and time of nitrogen application under mid altitude conditions of Arunachal Pradesh. Prog. Hort. 36(2):245-248.
  95. Singh, A. K. and. Dubey, K (2003). Shoot organogenesis from leaves of strawberry. Indian J Plant Physiol. (Special Issue) 677-680
  96. Singh, A. K., Dubey K. and Vibha Dhawan (2003). Plant regeneration by organogenesis from mulberry leaf tissue. Ann. Agric Res. 24 (3): 1-4.
  97. Yadav, D. S; Patel, R. K; Rai, N and Dubey, A. K. (2003). Physico-chemical status of declined Khasi mandarin orchard in Meghalaya. Sci. Digest 23 (1): 71-72.
  98. Nath, A., Yadav D.S., Dubey, A.K., and Rai, N. (2003). Evaluation of different cultivars of peach fruits suitable for dehydrated slice and quality during storage periods. J. Hill Farmg., 16(1&2):109-110.
  99. Dubey, A. K. and Yadav, D. S. Studies on growth pattern of different citrus species during spring flush. Indian J. Agric Res. 38 (1): 50-54.
  100. Nath, A., Dubey, A.K., and Yadav D.S. (2004). A note on the shelf life of peach fruit cv. TA-170 under ambient condition. Prog Hort. 36 (1): 16-18
  101. Dubey, A. K. and Yadav, D. S. Response of Khasi mandarin to organic versus inorganic fertilization. Indian J. Agric Res. 37(3): 214-218.
  102. Dubey, A. K., Patel, R.K and Singh, A.K. 2003. Standardization of fruit maturity indices in Khasi mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruits under Meghalaya. Agric. Res.24 (3): 5-8
  103. Dubey, A. K., Yadav, R. M. and Yadav D. S. 2003. Growth acceleration in Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni) rootstock seedlings by foliar application of Gibberellic acid and urea. Hort. 35(2): 137-141.
  104. Dubey, A.K. Singh, A.K. Yadav, D.S. and Patel, R.K. (2003). Seed germination in citrus species as affected by storage of seeds within the fruits. Indian J. Plant Physiol. (Special issue): 226-30.
  105. Dubey, A. K. and Singh, A.K. 2003. Evaluation of rootstocks for mandarin (Citrus reticulata) under foothills conditions of Arunachal Pradesh. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 73(10): 527-529.
  106. Dubey, A. K. 2003. Studies on performance of peach cultivar suitable for mid altitude of Arunachal Pradesh. Annals Agric. Res. 34 (3): 686-688.
  107. Dubey, A. K. and Yadav, D. S. Growth and yield of native germplasm of large cardamom in the wild habitat of Arunachal Pradesh J. Spice Aromatic Crops.11 (2): 148-150
  108. Dubey, A. K. and Yadav D. S., Nath, A, Patel, R. K., Babu, K. D. 2002. Standardization of maturity indices of Kinnow under Meghalaya condition. Hort. 34(1): 119-122.
  109. Dubey, A. K. Effect of plant growth regulators on fruit drop, yield and quality of Khasi mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruits. Ann. Agric. Res, 23(4): 574-577.
  110. Dubey, A. K. and Yadav D. S. 2001. Effect of pig manure, nitrogen and phosphorus on fruit yield and quality of acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) fruits. Hort.33 (2): 147-150.
  111. Dubey, A. K. and Yadav, D. S. 2001. Comparative performance of different varieties of large cardamom (Amomum Subulatum Roxb) under mild altitude of Arunachal Pradesh. J. Spice Aromatic crops 10(2): 119-122
  112. Dubey, A. K. Comparative performance of certain Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) cultivars at foothills situation of Arunachal Pradesh Prog. Hort. 32(2): 153-58.

Popular articles

  1. Sharma N, Hatkari V, Shivran M, Singh SK and Dubey AK (2021). Understand bearing habit in fruit crops. NESA e-version December Issue, pp. 9-11.
  1. Hatkari V, Sharma N, Shivran M, Singh SK and Dubey AK (2021). Biological control of pest and diseases through ICT (2021). NESA e-version July Iissue, pp. 12-13.
  2. Shivran M, Sharma N, Singh S K, Dubey AK, Malik M, Vignesh M and Sharma N (2021). Aam me shelf jeevan ki jankari hetu aanvik taknik ka yogdan. Krish Sewa (Hindi article online).
  1. Dubey, A. K. Sharma, R. M., Awasthi, O. P., Singh, A. and Kaur C. 2020. New high yield seedless citrus variety  ‘Pusa Arun’. Indian Horticulture, July –August, 2020, Cover II.
  2. Dubey, A. K., Tripathi V and Sharma, r. M. (2019). Neebu vargeeya phaslon men samasya evam nidan (2019). Phal phool, Jan-Feb, 2019, 17-19.
  3. Sharma, N., Dubey, A. K., Malik, M and Singh, S. K. (2018). DNA fingerprinting in plants: a boon for DUS testing. NESA E-version_October 2018, 5-6.
  4. Dubey, A. K., Soni, A and Tripathi V (2018) Neebu vargeeya phaslon se varsh bhar kamai, phal phool, sep- Oct, 29-31.
  5. Dubey, A. K., Srivastav, M, Awasthi, O. P., Verma, M. K. and kaur, C. (2016). Citrus varieties enriching fruit industry. Indian Horticulture, March- April, (61): 25-26.
  6. Sharma R. M. and Dubey A. K. (2016) Redblush tatha Marsh seedless uposhn javayu ke liye grapefruit ki sambhavit kismen . phal phool May-June, 33-65.
  7. Singh D. and Dubey, A. K. (2016).  Neebu vargeey phalon evam brikshon ke rogon ka samekit pravandhan, Prasar Doot, 45-50.
  8. Dubey, A. K. and Srivastav M. (2015). Aam kee sankar kismon ki bagwani. Phal phool, January-February, 33-36.
  9. Dubey, A.K. Srivastav M. and Kundu M. (2013). Softwood grafting in Mango: an efficient method of mango propagation. Indian Horticulture. Sep-Oct, 2013; 58(3): 20-21.
  1. Dubey, A. K and Singh A. K. (2012). Pritioxikarak grapefruit, Phal-Phool, May-June, 2012 pp 33-34 and 36.
  2. Singh, A.K., Dubey, A.K. and Srivastav, M (2012).Mango hybrids to enrich fruit basket. Indian Horticulture, March –April , 2012, pp 3-5.
  3. Dubey, A.K. Singh, A.K. and Kaur, Charanjit (2011). Forbidden grapefruit to enrich fruit basket. Indian Horticulture, Nov – Dec, 2011, 10-11.
  4. Srivastav, Manish, Dubey, A.K. and Sharma, N.K. (2010). January – February mahinon men aam ke bagon kee dekhbhal. Prasardoot, December, 2010 pp 31.
  5. Dubey, A.K. Srivastav, Manish and Singh, A.K. (2009). Paclobutrazol to enhance salt tolerance in citrus fruit. Indian Horticulture, Sep – Oct, 2009 pp 31-32.
  6. Dubey, A.K. Srivastav, Manish and Singh, A.K. (2008). Vaigyanik dhang se papeeta kee Bagvani, Prasar Doot (Mela Visheshank) 24-26.
  1. Pandey, R.N., Dubey, A.K. Srivastav, Manish and Chandra, S  (2008). Phaldar Brikshon Men Poshak tatvaon ka Pravandhan. Prasar Doot (Mela Visheshank) 30-33.
  2. Dubey, A.K. Srivastav, Manish and Sharma, Y.K. (2007). Neembu Vergeeya Phalon kee Bagvani, Prsar Doot (Mela Visheshank) 28-30.
  3. Srivastav, Manish, Dubey, A.K. and Sharma, Y.K. (2007). Neembu Vargeeya Phalon kee Keedon tatha Beemariyon se Surksha, Prasar Doot (Mela Visheshank), 58-59.
  4. Dubey, A.K. and Srivastav, Manish (2006). Adhik utpadan ke liye agngoor kee sadhai tatha kat-chhant. Krishi Darpan 7:37-38.
  5. Srivastav, Manish and Dubey, A.K. (2006). Bharat men phal utpadan. Krishi Darpan 7:29-31.
  6. Prasad, S. and Dubey, A.K. (2006). Paryabaran sanrakshan tatha jaivik utpadan hetu nashijeev prabandhan apnaye.  Krishi Darpan 7:26-28.
  7. Usha, K. and Dubey, A.K. (2005) Citrus granulation: causes and management. Intensive Agriculture Nov-Dec. pp 6,7, and11
  8. Dubey, A.K Usha, K. and Sharma, Y. K.  (2005). Nemmbu vargeeya phalon men daihik vikar kadikayan (Grannulation): Karan tatha roktham. Prasar Doot (Mela vesheshank):45-46.
  9. Dubey, A.K Singh, A.K. and Srivasta, M. (2004).  Kaise kare lavareeya bhumi men safal bagbani. Prasar Doot  (Ravi Visheshank):22-24.
  10. Dubey, A.K and Singh, A.K. (2004). Kaise kare neembu vargeeya phaslon men keedo tatha Bemarion se surksha. Prasardoot Mela Vesheshank65-68.
  11. Dubey, A.K, Singh, A.K. and Manish Srivastav (2004). Enhance production and keep plant healthy through timely control of pest and diseases. Intensive Agriculture Jan – Feb 6-8
  12. Dubey, A.K and Singh, A.K. (2003). Neebu vargeeya phaslon men phal jhadhane kee samasya evam nidan. Prasardoot 56-57
  13. Dubey, A. K., Babu, K. D.  and Yadav, D. S.  2002. Status and prospects of Horticulture development in NEH Region. Himalayan Ecology and Development 10:2: 31-35
  14. Dubey, A. K., Rai, N. and Yadav, D. S.  2001. Harnessing of fruit potential for prosperity in Arunachal Pradesh. Himalayan Ecology and Development 9(2): 40-42.
  15. Dubey, A.K. (1999). Arunachal Pradesh men Bari Ellaichi kee Smbhabanaye. Purvottar Parbatiya Krish 6:24-26.
  16. Dubey, A. K. and Singh, K. A. (1999). Large cardamom: A spice crop of India Indian Farming 49(2): 17-18.
  17.  Dubey, A.K. and Pandey, J.K. (1998). Krish Vigyan kendra Basar kee Uplabhadhyian. Purvottar Parbatiya Krish 5:24-25
  18.  Dubey, A.K. (1998). ARL-1 A acid lime clone for Aunachal Pradesh. ICAR News Jan – March 1998:13-14
  19.  Dubey, A.K. and Pandey, J.K. (1996). Neembu vargeeya Paudhon Ka Pravardhan. Purvottar Parbatiya Krish 3:37-40
  20.  Singh, K.A., Dubey, A.K. and Bag, T.K. (1999) Arunachal Pradesh men Krishi: Vartman swaroop avam Vikas kee Smbhabanaye. Purvottar Parbatiya Krish 6:19-23

Scientific/ teaching reviews

  1. Dubey, A.K., Singh, A.K. and Srivastav, Manish (2007). Salt Stress Studies in Mango- A Review. Rev., 28 (1):75-78.
  2. Sharma, N., Singh, S. K., Mahto, A.K., Ravishamkar, H., Dubey, A. K., and Singh N. K. (2019. Physiological and molecular basis of alternate bearing in perennial fruit crops. Hortic., 243, 214-225.
  3. Shivran, M., Sharma, N., Dubey, A K., Singh, S. K, Sharma, N., Sharma, Sharma, R. M., Singh, N., and Singh, R. (2022). Scion–Rootstock Relationship: Molecular Mechanism and Quality Fruit Production. Agriculture, 12, 2036. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12122036

Technical bulletin

S.N. Pandey, A.K. Dubey and P.C. Jindal (2003). Phaldar Brikshon kee sadhai evam kat chhant . Technical Bulletin ICN (H) 1/2003, Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, I.A.R.I. New Delhi

De, L. C. , R.C. Upadhyaya, Mathura Rai, A. K. Dubey and Gerik Bagra (2005). Citrus Production Technology (MM- 1), ICAR Resaerch Complex, A.P. Centre, Basar.

A.K. Singh, A.K. Dubey and Manish Srivastav (2007). Nursery Pravandhan Tatha Adhunik Phal Utpadan Technical Bulletin ICN53/2007, Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, IARI, New Delhi.

A.K. Singh, A.K. Dubey and Manish Srivastav (2007). Audhanik Phaslon kee nursery evam uchch Utpadan Techneek, Technical Bulletin, Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, IARI, New Delhi.

  1. K. Singh, V. B. Patel, A. K. Dubey, K. Usha and Manish Srivastav (2009). Improved technologies for fruit cultivation. Technical Bulletin TB-ICN63/2009, Division of Fruits and Horti. Tech., I.A.R.I., New Delhi.

Practical manual

  1. Patel,V.B., Singh,S.K., Dubey, A.K. and Raju,D.V.S. ( 2008) Practical Manual on Plant Propagation. Discipline of Horticulture, IARI, New Delhi.p125.
  2. Srivastav, Manish, Dubey, A.K., and Singh, A.K. (2008). Practical manual on Fruit Production-I. Published by Discipline of Horticulture, IARI, New Delhi, pp-86
  3. Dubey, A.K., Awasthi, O. P., Singh, S.K. and Patel, V.B. (2011). Practical manual on Fundamentals of Fruit Production. Published by Discipline of Horticulture, IARI, New Delhi.

Book authored

Adhunik phal Utapadan (2013) by Dr R R. Sharma, A.K. Dubey and V.R. Sagar published by ICAR. P 521.

Book edited

Singh, A.K. Awasthi, O.P., Dubey A.K. and Nagaraja, A,  (2011) Advances in rootstocks for overcoming Biotic and Abiotic stresses in fruit  crops (2011) published by Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, IARI, New Delhi.

Singh A. K., Dubey, A.K. and Chopra Sheema (2013). Phal brikshon kee saghan bagwani (Hindi) published by Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (ICN:H126/2013)

R M Sharma, Rakesh Yamdagni, A K Dubey, Vikramaditya Pandey (2019) Strawberries: Production, Postharvest Management and Protection. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group

Dr Arjun Singh

Dr Arjun Singh

Scientist ( Microbiology)



01 Name Dr Arjun Singh
02 Designation Scientist (SS)
03 Date of birth 02-12-1985
04 Official  Address ICAR-CSSRI, RRS,

Old Jail Road, PO; Dilkusha,

Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh

05 Residential Address B1-1502, Tower B1, Rishita Manhattan, Omaxe Integrated Township, Gomti Nagar Extension Sec 7, Lucknow 226002
  1. Academic qualification
Degree Name of university Passing year Division/OGPA
B.Sc. (Agriculture) CSA University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 2007 8.44
M.Sc. (Microbiology) Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 2009 8.36
Ph.D. (Microbiology) Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 2015 8.28


  1. Date of joining in the ICAR: 01-01-2015
  2. Service Experience


Pay Scale/

Pay Band with Grade Pay/Research Grade Pay/Pay Level

Nature of work Organization/









Scientist L-10 to L-11 Plant microbe interactions and soil ecology ICAR-NBAIM, Mau 09-04-2014 19-12-2019
Scientist L-11 Plant microbe interactions and soil ecology ICAR-CSSRI, RRS Lucknow 26-12-2019 Till date
10.  Specialization: Agricultural Microbiology
  1. Publications
Research papers

1.       Tran, T.K.A., Raju, S., Singh, A., Senathirajah, K., Bhagwat-Russell, G., Daggubati, L., Kandaiah, R. and Palanisami, T., 2023. Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in long-term biosolid-applied rehabilitation land: An overlooked pathway for microplastic entry into terrestrial ecosystems in Australia. Environmental Pollution, p.122464. (IF: 8.9, NAAS Rating 15.99)

2.       Saxena, P., Singh, A., Chakdar, H., Shirodkar, S. and Srivastava, A.K., 2023. Deciphering Azadirachta indica (Neem) Gum Microbiome using Metagenomic Approaches. Journal of Pure & Applied Microbiology17(2). (NAAS Rating 5.05)

3.       Kumar, M., Ansari, W.A., Zeyad, M.T., Singh, A., Chakdar, H., Kumar, A., Farooqi, M.S., Sharma, A., Srivastava, S. and Srivastava, A.K., 2023. Core microbiota of wheat rhizosphere under Upper Indo-Gangetic plains and their response to soil physicochemical properties. Frontiers in Plant Science14, p.1186162. (IF: 5.6; NAAS rating: 12.63)

4.       Damodaran, T., Jha, S.K., Kumari, S., Gupta, G., Mishra, V.K., Sharma, P.C., Gopal, R., Singh, A. and Jat, H.S., 2023. Development of Halotolerant Microbial Consortia for Salt Stress Mitigation and Sustainable Tomato Production in Sodic Soils: An Enzyme Mechanism Approach. Sustainability15(6), p.5186. (IF:3.9, NAAS rating:9.89)

5.       Singh, Y.P., Arora, S., Mishra, V.K. and Singh, A., 2023. Composting of Municipal Solid Waste Using Earthworms and Ligno-Cellulolytic Microbial Consortia for Reclamation of the Degraded Sodic Soils and Harnessing Their Productivity Potential. Sustainability15(3), p.2317. IF:3.9, NAAS rating:9.89)

6.       Saxena, P., Chakdar, H., Singh, A., Shirodkar, S. and Srivastava, A.K., 2023. Microbial diversity of Azadirachta indica (Neem) gum: An unexplored niche. Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology11(2), pp.209-219. (NAAS Rating 5.05)

7.       Kumar, M., Chakdar, H., Pandiyan, K., Thapa, S., Shahid, M., Singh, A., Srivastava, A.K. and Saxena, A.K., 2022. Bacterial chitinases: genetics, engineering and applications. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology38(12), p.252. (IF:4.2 NAAS rating: 10.25)

8.       Singh, A., Kumar, M., Chakdar, H., Pandiyan, K., Kumar, S.C., Zeyad, M.T., Singh, B.N., Ravikiran, K.T., Mahto, A., Srivastava, A.K. and Saxena, A.K., 2022. Influence of host genotype in establishing root associated microbiome of indica rice cultivars for plant growth promotion. Frontiers in Microbiology13, p.1033158. (IF:5.2; NAAS rating: 12.06)

9.       Chaitra, H.S., Singh, A., Pandiyan, K. and Kalia, V.K., 2022. Sex biased variance in the structural and functional diversity of the midgut bacterial community of last instar larvae of Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Microbial ecology83(4), pp.1112-1122. (IF 4.2; NAAS rating: 10.19)

10.   Upadhyay, H., Gangola, S., Sharma, A., Singh, A., Maithani, D. and Joshi, S., 2021. Contribution of zinc solubilizing bacterial isolates on enhanced zinc uptake and growth promotion of maize (Zea mays L.). Folia microbiologica66, pp.543-553. (IF2.6; NAAS rating 8.63)

11.   Vinothkumar, R., Dar, J.Y., Bharti, V.S., Singh, A., Vennila, A., Bhat, I.A. and Pandey, P.K., 2021. Heterotrophic nitrifying and aerobic denitrifying bacteria: Characterization and comparison of shrimp pond and effluent discharge channel in aspects of composition and function. Aquaculture539, p.736659. (IF 4.5, NAAS rating 11.14)

12.   Yadav, K., Damodaran, T., Dutt, K., Singh, A., Muthukumar, M., Rajan, S., Gopal, R. and Sharma, P.C., 2021. Effective biocontrol of banana fusarium wilt tropical race 4 by a bacillus rhizobacteria strain with antagonistic secondary metabolites. Rhizosphere18, p.100341. (IF3.7 , NAAS rating : 9.44)

13.   Kushwaha, P., Srivastava, R., Pandiyan, K., Singh, A., Chakdar, H., Kashyap, P.L., Bhardwaj, A.K., Murugan, K., Karthikeyan, N., Bagul, S.Y. and Srivastava, A.K., 2021. Enhancement in plant growth and zinc biofortification of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) by Bacillus altitudinis. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition21, pp.922-935. (IF 3.9, NAAS rating :9.61)

14.   Joshi, S., Jaggi, V., Gangola, S., Singh, A., Sah, V.K. and Sahgal, M., 2021. Contrasting rhizosphere bacterial communities of healthy and wilted Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. forests. Rhizosphere17, p.100295. (IF3.7 , NAAS rating : 9.44)

15.   Pandiyan, K., Kushwaha, P., Bagul, S.Y., Chakdar, H., Madhaiyan, M., Krishnamurthi, S., Kumar, P., Karthikeyan, N., Singh, A., Kumar, M. and Singh, U.B., 2021. Halomonas icarae sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from beach soil in India. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology71(1), p.004611. (IF: 2.8 ; NAAS rating 8.69)

16.   Rajavat, A.S., Rai, S., Pandiyan, K., Kushwaha, P., Choudhary, P., Kumar, M., Chakdar, H., Singh, A., Karthikeyan, N., Bagul, S.Y. and Agnihotri, A., 2020. Sustainable use of the spent mushroom substrate of Pleurotus florida for production of lignocellulolytic enzymes. Journal of basic microbiology60(2), pp.173-184. (IF:3.1; NAAS rating 8.65)

17.   Kumar, S., Dehury, B., Tandon, G., Jaiswal, S., Iquebal, M.A., Ahmed, K., Nagrale, D.T., Singh, U.B., Jha, Y., Singh, M.K. and Singh, A., 2020. An insight into molecular interaction of PGIP with PG for banana cultivar. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark25(2), pp.335-362. (IF: 3.1; NAAS rating:9.12)

18.   Choudhary, P., Das, S., Chakdar, H., Singh, A., Goswami, S.K. and Saxena, A.K., 2019. Rapid high throughput template preparation (rHTTP) method: a novel cost effective method of direct PCR for a wide range of plants. BMC biotechnology19(1), pp.1-10. (IF: 3.5; NAAS rating:9.3)

19.   Awasthi, S., Sharma, A., Saxena, P., Yadav, J., Pandiyan, K., Kumar, M., Singh, A., Chakdar, H., Bhowmik, A., Kashyap, P.L. and Srivastava, A.K., 2019. Molecular detection and in silico characterization of cold shock protein coding gene (csp A) from cold adaptive Pseudomonas koreensis. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology28, pp.405-413. (IF.1.9:; NAAS rating:7.53)

20.   Pandiyan, K., Singh, A., Singh, S., Saxena, A.K. and Nain, L., 2019. Technological interventions for utilization of crop residues and weedy biomass for second generation bio-ethanol production. Renewable Energy132, pp.723-741. (IF: 8.7; NAAS rating:14.63)

21.   Bapatla, K.G., Singh, A., Yeddula, S. and Patil, R.H., 2018. Annotation of gut bacterial taxonomic and functional diversity in Spodoptera litura and Spilosoma obliqua. Journal of basic microbiology58(3), pp.217-226. (IF:3.1; NAAS rating 8.65)

22.   Singh, A., Tiwari, R., Sharma, A., Adak, A., Singh, S., Prasanna, R., Saxena, A.K., Nain, L. and Singh, R.V., 2016. Taxonomic and functional diversity of the culturable microbiomes of epigeic earthworms and their prospects in agriculture. Journal of Basic Microbiology56(9), pp.1009-1020. (IF:3.1; NAAS rating 8.65)

23.   Chakdar, H., Kumar, M., Pandiyan, K., Singh, A., Nanjappan, K., Kashyap, P.L. and Srivastava, A.K., 2016. Bacterial xylanases: biology to biotechnology. 3 Biotech6, pp.1-15. (IF:3.1; NAAS rating 8.89)

24.   Yadav, A.K., Manna, S., Pandiyan, K., Singh, A., Kumar, M., Chakdar, H., Kashyap, P.L. and Srivastava, A.K., 2016. Isolation and characterization of biosurfactant producing Bacillus sp. from diesel fuel-contaminated site. Microbiology85, pp.56-62. (IF:1.5; NAAS rating 7.51)

25.   Singh, A., Singh, D.P., Tiwari, R., Kumar, K., Singh, R.V., Singh, S., Prasanna, R., Saxena, A.K. and Nain, L., 2015. Taxonomic and functional annotation of gut bacterial communities of Eisenia foetida and Perionyx excavatus. Microbiological Research175, pp.48-56. (IF:6.7; NAAS rating 11.07)

26.   Singh, A., Kumar, K., Pandey, A.K., Sharma, A., Singh, S.B., Kumar, K., Arora, A. and Nain, L., 2015. Pyrene degradation by biosurfactant producing bacterium Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Agricultural Research4, pp.42-47. (NAAS rating 5.95)

27.   Sharma, A., Sharma, R., Arora, A., Shah, R., Singh, A., Pranaw, K. and Nain, L., 2014. Insights into rapid composting of paddy straw augmented with efficient microorganism consortium. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture3, pp.1-9.

Popular articles ·         Kumar M, Savita Santosh, Arjun Singh (2017) Enhancing Phosphorus Uptake efficiency using microbial inoculants. Biotech Articles

·         Sanjay Goswami and Arjun Singh (2020). Crop residu burning Insight into issues, challenges and management. Popular Kheti, 8(2)175-177 (April-June), 2020, eISSN: 2321-0001.

Book chapters ·         Singh, A., Kumar, M., Verma, S., Choudhary, P. and Chakdar, H., 2020. Plant microbiome: Trends and prospects for sustainable agriculture. Plant microbe symbiosis, pp.129-151.

·         Singh, A., Kumar, M. and Saxena, A.K., 2020. Role of microorganisms in regulating carbon cycle in tropical and subtropical soils. Carbon management in tropical and sub-tropical terrestrial systems, pp.249-263.

Practical manual
  1. Arjun Singh, Chakdar H, Kumar M, Pandiyan K, Bagul  S Y (2018). Training Manual on Rhizosphere Microbiology : Classical to Omic approaches, ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms
  2. Kumar M, Chakdar H, Pandiyan K, Arjun Singh Karthikeyan N  (2017). Microbial Identification: A Polyphasic Approach ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms
  3. Goswami SK, Chakdar H, Arjun Singh, Kumar M, Pandiyan K (2017) Training manual on “Techniques in Microbiology” ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms
  4. Kumar S, Arjun Singh, Renu, Sahu P K. (2016). Workshop manual on Bioinformatics-based Genomic and proteomic data analysis in microbial domain ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms
Scientific Review paper 1.       Pandiyan, K., Singh, A., Singh, S., Saxena, A.K. and Nain, L., 2019. Technological interventions for utilization of crop residues and weedy biomass for second generation bio-ethanol production. Renewable Energy132, pp.723-741. (IF: 8.7; NAAS rating:14.63)

2.       Chakdar, H., Kumar, M., Pandiyan, K., Singh, A., Nanjappan, K., Kashyap, P.L. and Srivastava, A.K., 2016. Bacterial xylanases: biology to biotechnology. 3 Biotech6, pp.1-15. (IF:3.1; NAAS rating 8.89)

3.       Kumar, M., Chakdar, H., Pandiyan, K., Thapa, S., Shahid, M., Singh, A., Srivastava, A.K. and Saxena, A.K., 2022. Bacterial chitinases: genetics, engineering and applications. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38(12), p.252. (IF:4.2 NAAS rating: 10.25)



  1. Fellowship and Award

International Research Experience Fellowship, SERB, DST, Government of India

International Travel Support from SERB-DST, Government of India


Significant achievements (not more than 300 words)

As a soil microbiologist, I always had an interest in pursuing role of microorganisms in maintaining soil health and quantifying ecosystem services conferred by them using high-throughput techniques. In this regard, your work in identifying relationships between microorganisms and ecosystem functions and their influence on global change has piqued my interest. Your lab focuses on underpinning interactions within microbiological communities and their influence on edaphic factors, which will help me in expanding my knowledge about microbiological networks and biological switches regulating cycling of key soil macronutrients. In my doctoral thesis, I deciphered structural and functional diversity of vermicomposting earthworm during which, I gained expertise in designing and executing metagenomics project. As a mid-career Scientist at ICAR, I have worked as a project investigator conducting soil microbiome projects to identify key biological indicators of soil pesticide contamination and soil fertility. I have studied rice rhizobiomes of ten non-aromatic indica rice varieties and identified key cultivar-specific bacterial OTUs and microbial guilds for C and N cycling. Working on insect gut microbiomes, I have mined novel lignocellulolytic genes of Macrotermes (subterranean termite) employing whole metagenome sequencing. Furthermore, I was formerly associated with National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection as curator and expedited soil microbiome analysis of Western Ghats and desert ecosystem of India.  I have good working knowledge of Unix/ Linux based pipelines such as QIIME2, MOTHUR, PiCRUST, FAPROTAX etc., for analysis of targeted metagenome datasets and metagenome reconstruction. Two databases containing information on microbial diversity (https://www.microveda.org.in/) and microbe based technologies for agriculture has also developed (https://agrimicrotech.com/) by me.

Mailing  address: Arjun.Singh1@icar.gov.in

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=h7g4gFMAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&scilu=&scisig=AAPO09gAAAAAZPAbhiGXwDgu1-fL4PBz2y-gzI4&gmla=AOV7GLMHQsbAXQbmjG-EBNVU5fsjLNO0KPDmT7Rvq-MCWzzUHp6AB5a_mMDDJBjYywvM9AmbF0Fgsid5m6WCWsDXnFfbA_uS2aUDnW0I7S8&sciund=10254334903820372677

Contact: +91 7881199890


Dr Raza Haider Rizvi

Dr Raza Haider Rizvi

Principal Scientist (Computer Science)



02 Designation Principal Scientist (Computer Appl. & IT)
03 Date of birth 25-June-1972
04 Official  Address ICAR-CSSRI, Regional Research Station,

Old Jail Road, PO; Dilkusha,

Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh

05 Residential Address 75, Bairooni Khandaq, Keshav Bhaduri Road, Lucknow- 226018
  1. Academic qualification
Sl. No. Certificate/ Degree College/ University Year Division/ OGPA
1. High School V.H.I. College, Lucknow (U.P) 1986 First
2. Intermediate V.H.I. College, Lucknow (U.P.) 1988 Second
3. Graduation (B.Sc.) Shia Degree College, Lucknow (U.P.) 1991 First
4. Post-Graduation (M.Sc.) Lucknow University, Lucknow (U.P.) 1993 First
5. Ph.D. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra 2007 First
  1. Date of joining in the ICAR: 20th, 1999
  2. Service Experience:





Nature of work Research Grade Pay/Pay Level Period






Scientist ICAR- NRCAF, Jhansi Research, Training & Extension Rs. 15600 + 6000 RGP 20-11-1999 19.11.2005
Scientist (Sr. Scale) ICAR- NRCAF, Jhansi Research, Training & Extension Rs. 15600 + 7000 RGP 20.11.2005 19.11.2008
Senior Scientist ICAR- NRCAF, Jhansi Research, Training & Extension Rs. 37400 + 8000 RGP 20.11.2008 19.11.2011
Senior Scientist ICAR- NRCAF, Jhansi Research, Training & Extension Rs. 37400 + 9000 RGP 20.11.2011 19.11.2014
Principal Scientist ICAR- CAFRI, Jhansi


Research, Training & Extension Rs. 37400 + 10000 RGP 20.11.2014 Till date

* Since 15.02.2021


10   Specialization: Geospatial Technology Applications in Natural Resources, Statistical Modelling for Tree Growth/ Biomass, Watershed Characterization and Resource Mapping


  1. Publications
1. Research Papers 63
2. Popular/ Technical articles 41
3. Seminar/ Symposium Abstracts 53
4. Chapters in Book 15
5. Technical Bulletins 09
6. Project Reports 05
7. Edited Book 02
8. Extension Folder 01
9. Training Material/ Course Compendium 02
Total 179


  1. Fellowship and Awards/ Recognition
  • Conferred “Brandis Prize” in 2011 by FRI, Dehradun for best research paper in Indian Forester.
  • Institute award for best poster in Hindi in 2009, 2010 & 2014 was given by NRCAF, Jhansi.
  • Institute award for best research paper in 2007, 2016 & 2017 was given by CAFRI, Jhansi.
  • Nanaji Deshmukh Best Team Award conferred in 2019 was given by ICAR, New Delhi.
  • Conferred Dr K.G. Tejwani Award for excellence in Agroforestry Research and Development in year 2022 by ISAF.
  • Reviewer for Journal of Environment Management, Journal of Forestry, Tropical Ecology, Range Management & Agroforestry and Trees, Forest and People.
Significant achievements (not more than 300 words)

Developed methodologies for mapping trees on farmlands/ agroforestry using medium resolution (LISS III, 23.5m) and high resolution (LISS IV, 5.8m) remote sensing data. Two methodologies are based on sub-pixel and object-oriented classification methods. Besides, methodology for identifying and mapping tree species on farmlands has been developed and standardized. Using this methodology, area under Poplar (Populus deltoides) species has been mapped in Indo-Gangetic plains.

Biomass models for Azadirachta indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Populus deltoides and Techtona grandis tree species have been developed. Also carbon storage potential of these species on the farmlands was also estimated.


Research Publications (last 5 years)

Journals (National/ International)

  1. Vikrant, K.K., Chauhan, D.S., Rizvi, R.H. et al. (2018). Mapping the extent of agroforestry area in different altitudes in Tehri district, Northwest Himalaya, India through GIS and remote sensing data. J Indian Soc. Remote Sens. 46(9): 1470-1480. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-018-0792-0)
  2. Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Ajit, Dhillon, R.S. and Tewari, Salil. 2018. Construction and validation of generalized biomass models for estimation of carbon stock of important agroforestry species. Indian J. Agroforestry, 20(2): 68-72.
  3. Kumar, Sudhir, Prasad, Rajendra, Kumar, A, Dev, Inder, and Rizvi, R.H. 2018. Effect of hi-foliage nutrient spray on yield and quality of Zizyphus mauritiana Cv. Seo under agroforestry systems. Indian J. Agroforestry, 20(2): 89-93.
  4. Rizvi, R.H., Newaj, Ram, Chaturvedi, O.P., Prasad, R., Handa, A.K. Alam, B. 2019. Carbon sequestration and CO2 absorption by agroforestry systems: an assessment for central plateau and hill region of India. Earth Systems Science, 128: 56 (DOI: 10.1007/s12040-019-107-3).
  5. Rizvi, R.H., Singh, M., Kumar, A. and Srivastava, S. 2020. Valuation of carbon sequestration by Poplar based agroforestry systems in Yamunanagar, Haryana. Indian J. Agricultural Sciences, 90(2): 312-315.
  6. Chavan, S.B., Newaj, Ram, Rizvi, R.H., Ajit, Prasad, Rajendra, Alam, Badre, Handa, A.K., Dhyani, S.K., Jain, Amit and Tripathi, D. 2020. Reduction of global warming potential vis-à-vis greenhouse gases through traditional agroforestry systems in Rajasthan, India. Environmental, Development and Sustainability (DoI: 10.1007/s10668-020-00788-w).
  7. Rizvi, R.H., Sridhar, K.B., Handa, A.K., Singh, R.K., Dhyani, S.K., Rizvi, J. and Dongre, G. 2020. Spatial analysis of area and carbon stocks under Populus deltoids based agroforestry systems in Punjab and Haryana states of Indo-Gangetic plains. Agroforestry Systems, 94(6): 2185-2197. (https/doi.org/10.1007/s10457-020-00540-3).
  8. Rizvi, R.H., Alam, B., Handa, A.K., Chavan, S.B. and Prasad, R. 2020. Mapping of tree species and assessment of area under agroforestry systems in Karnataka, India. Indian J. Agroforestry, 22: 16-20.
  9. Kumar, D., Rizvi, R.H., Bhatt, S., Singh, R., and Chaturvedi, O.P. 2021. Land use/ land cover change and soil fertility mapping using GIS and remote sensing: A case study of Parasia-Sindh watershed in Bundelkhand region of Central India. Range Management & Agroforestry, 42(1): 15-21.
  10. Rizvi, R.H., Vishnu, R., Handa, A.K., Ramanan, S., Yadav, M. et al. 2021. Mapping of agroforestry systems and Salix species in Western Himalaya Agro-climatic Zone of India. Current Science, 121(10): 1347-1351. (doi: 10.18520/cs/v121/i10/1347-1351)
  11. Arunachalam, A., Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Ramanan, S. 2022. Agroforestry in India: area estimates and methods. Current Science, 123(6): 743-744.
  12. Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Sridhar, K.B., Singh, R.K., Londhe, S., Dhyani, S.K., Rizvi, Javed, Dongre, G and Yadav, M. 2022. Contribution of Populus deltoids based agroforestry systems in atmospheric CO2 reduction in northern states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Range Management & Agroforestry, 43(2): 263-268.
  13. Handa, A., Rizvi, R.H., Arunachalam, A. Singh, R.K. Dhyani, S.K., Rizvi, Javed, Verma, Archna, and Yadav, Maneesh. 2023. Azadirachta indica and Prosopis cineraria species contribution in agroforestry/ tree cover in arid region of Rajasthan. Indian J. Agroforestry, 25(1): 133-136.


Seminar Symposium/ Conference: Abstracts

  1. Rizvi, RH, Newaj, Ram, Handa, AK, Alam, Badre, Prasad, Rajendra, and Chaturvedi, OP. 2018. State level assessment of area and carbon sequestration under agroforestry systems for Karnataka, India. In: International Agroforestry Conference on “Promotion of Agroforestry for rural Income Generation, Climate Change Mitigation and Adoption”, Kathmandu, Nepal. April 27-29, 2018.
  2. Rizvi, RH, Newaj, Ram, Yadav, M and Srivastava, S. 2018. Application of object based classification for mapping trees on farmlands. INCA International Congress on Emerging Technologies in cartography. Hyderabad, Oct. 29-31, pp.30.
  3. Rizvi, RH, Newaj, Ram, Srivastava, S. and Yadav, Maneesh. 2019. Mapping trees on farmlands using OBIA method and high resolution satellite data: A case study of Korapur district, Odisha. In: ISPRS-GEOGLAM-ISRS International Workshop on Earth Observatons for Agricultural Monitoring, IARI, N. Delhi, Feb. 18-20, 2019.
  4. Rizvi, R.H., Sridhar, K.B., Rizvi, J., Handa, A.K. and Dongre, G. 2019. Spatial analysis of area and carbon stock in Populus deltoides based agroforestry systems in Punjab state, India. In: 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, Montpellier, France. May 20-22, 2019.
  5. Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Shiran, S., Singh, R.K., Dhyani, S.K., Rizvi, J., and Yadav, M. 2021. Tree species mapping on Farmlands in Pali district of Rajasthan using Sentinel-2 high resolution satellite data. Conference of Asian Journal of Geosciences, Istanbul, Turkey. Nov. 25-28, 2021.
  6. Yadav, M., Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Singh, R.K., Abbas, M., Dhyani, S.K. and Arunachalam, A. 2021. Object-oriented approach for tree species identification and mapping on farmlands in Rajasthan, India. In: ISG-ISRS National Symposium on “i-Geomatics: An Integrated Technology to Empower Citizens towards Self-reliant Nation”, Punjab Remote Sensing Centre, Ludhiana; Dec. 15-17, 2021.
  7. Rizvi, R.H., Arora, S., Verma, C.L., Yadav, P.P.S. and Sharma, P.C. 2022. Spectral Analysis of Waterlogged Salt-affected soils in Sharda Sahayak Canal Command. In: Book of Abstracts- 6th National conference on Salinity Management for Land Degradation, Nuetrality and Livelihood Security under Changing Climate”, Tiruchirapally (TN), Oct. 11-13, 2022.


Technical Bulletin/ Brief

  1. Newaj, Ram, Rizvi, R.H., Prasad, R. Handa, A.K. Kumar, D. Sangram Chavan, Alam, B., Bhaskar, S. and Prabhakar, M. 2018. Agroforestry in Climate Change Mitigation: Current Status. Technical Brief 01/2018, NICRA, ICAR, N. Delhi.
  2. Rizvi, R.H., Ram Newaj, A.K. Handa, K.B. Sridhar and Anil Kumar. 2019. Agroforestry mapping in India through Geospatial technologies: Present Status and Way Forward. Technical Bulletin-1/2019, ICAR- CAFRI, Jhansi: pp. 35.
  3. Rizvi, R.H., A.K. Handa, K.B. Sridhar, Anil Kumar, S. Bhaskar, A. Arunachalam, Noyal Thomas, S. Ashutosh, R.K. Sapra, Girish Pujar, R.K. Singh, Sunil Londhe, Devashree Nayak, Atul Dogra, S.K. Dhyani, Javed Rizvi, Tor-Gunnar Vagen, M. Ahmad and Gaurav Dongre. 2020. Mapping Agroforestry and Trees Outside Forest. Jointly Published by ICAR-CAFRI, Jhansi and South Asia Regional Program- World Agroforestry (ICRAF).


Chapters in Book

  1. Singh, R., Dev, Inder, Tewari, R.K., Rizvi, R.H., Garg, K.K., Singh, A.K., Dwivedi, R.P., Sridhar, K.B., Singh, Mahendra, Kumar, Dhiraj, Sarkar, P.K. and Chaturvedi, O.P. 2018. Improved Livelihoods and Ecosystem Services through Agroforestry based Watershed Interventions in Bundelkhand region of Central India. In: Agroforestry for Climate Resilience and Rural Livelihood (Eds: Dev et al.), Scientific Publisher, pp. 241-250.
  2. K. Vikrant, D. S. Chauhan and R. H. Rizvi. 2021, Assessment of Biomass and Carbon Stock along Altitudes in Traditional Agroforestry System in Tehri District of Uttarakhand, India, In: Akshat Uniyal & Isha Sharma, (eds) Trends in Agriculture: Traditional And Modern Approaches. pp. 243-256.
  3. Rizvi, R.H., Ahmad, F., Handa, A.K., Arunachalam, A. (2023). Agroforestry Suitability Mapping: A Geospatial Approach for Quantifying Land Potential for Intensification. In: Dagar, J.C., Gupta, S.R., Sileshi, G.W. (eds.) Agroforestry for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Asia and Africa. Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4602-8_17.


Google Scholar: ‪R H Rizvi – ‪Google Scholar

Mailing address: Raza.Rizvi@icar.gov.in

Contact: 9415113717

Dr. S.K. Jha

Dr. S.K. Jha




Name Dr. Sunil Kumar Jha
Designation Principal Scientist (Soil Science)
Official  Address ICAR-CSSRI, RRS,

Old Jail Road, PO; Dilkusha,

Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh

Academic qualification

Degree Institute/ University Year
B.Sc. (Chemistry) University of Delhi, Delhi 1986


M.Sc. (Chemistry) University of Delhi, Delhi 1988


Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Studies Andhra University 1991
M.Sc. (Ecology and Environment) Sikkim Manipal University of Health and Technological Sciences, Gangtok 2004
Ph.D. (Environmental Science) University of Lucknow, Lucknow 2009


Best 20 Publications (Journals)

  1. S.K. Jha, V.K. Mishra, T. Damodaran, A.K. Singh, P. C. Sharma, D. K. Sharma, Deepak, Y.P. Singh (2023). Conservation tillage and waste crop residue based zinc fortification in rice and wheat under reclaimed sodic soils: Progress towards nutrient circularity and sustainability. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (ACS Publication) 71: 2853-2863. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.2c07940).
  2. S.K. Jha, V.K. Mishra, T. Damodaran, A.K. Singh, Y.P. Singh, D.K. Sharma (2022). Does conservation tillage on partially reclaimed sodic soil restore land degradation by influencing boron dynamics, bioavailability for plant’s uptake and nutritional security? Land Degradation and Development 33: 1260-1268. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.4206.


  1. S.K. Jha, V.K. Mishra, T. Damodaran, Y.P. Singh, P.C. Sharma (2022). Utilization of marine gypsum as an alternative to mineral gypsum in the reclamation of degraded sodic soil and enhancing crop productivity. Land Degradation and Development 33:2276-2288. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.4282.


  1. S.K. Jha, V.K. Mishra, C.L. Verma, Navneet Sharma, A.K. Sikka, P. Pavelic, P.C. Sharma, Laxmi Kant, B.R. Sharma (2021). Groundwater quality concern for wider adaptability of novel modes of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in the Ganges Basin, India. Agricultural Water Management 246, 106659. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106659.
  2. S.K. Jha, V.K. Mishra, D.K. Sharma and T. Damodaran (2011). Fluoride in the Environment and its Metabolism in Human. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Springer Science) 211: 121-142.
  3. S.K. Jha, A.K Nayak, and Y.K. Sharma (2009). Fluoride toxicity effects in onion (Allium cepa L.) grown in contaminated soils. Chemosphere (Elsevier) 76:353-356.
  4. S.K. Jha, A.K Nayak, and Y.K. Sharma (2010). Potential fluoride contamination in the drinking water of Marks Nagar, Unnao district, Uttar Pradesh, India. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. (Springer) 32:217-226.
  5. S.K. Jha, R. K. Singh, T. Damodaran, V. K. Mishra, D. K. Sharma, Deepak Rai (2013). Fluoride in groundwater: Toxicological exposure and remedies. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B (Taylor & Francis) 16:52–66.
  6. S.K. Jha, A.K Nayak, and Y.K. Sharma (2011). Site specific toxicological risk from fluoride exposure through ingestion of vegetables and cereal crops. Eco-toxicology and Environmental Safety (Elsevier) 74: 940-946.
  7. S.K. Jha, V. K. Mishra, T. Damodaran, D. K. Sharma, and Parveen Kumar (2017). Arsenic in the groundwater: Occurrence, toxicological activities, and remedies. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C (Taylor & Francis) 35(2):84-103.


  1. S.K. Jha, A.K Nayak, and Y.K. Sharma (2008). Response of spinach (Spinacea oleracea) to the added fluoride in an alkaline soil. Food and Chemical Toxicology (Elsevier) 6: 2968–2971.
  2. S.K. Jha, A.K Nayak, and Y.K. Sharma (2009). Fluoride occurrence and assessment of exposure dose of fluoride in shallow aquifers of Makur, Unnao district Uttar Pradesh, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer) 156:561-566.
  3. V.K. Mishra, S.K. Jha*, T. Damodaran, C.L. Verma, S. Srivastava (2022). Sustainable utilization of coal combustion fly ash in the management of hydro‑physical properties and productivity of reclaimed sodic soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments (Published online) doi.org/10.1007/s11368-022-03292-y. (*Corresponding author).


  1. S.K. Jha, A.K Nayak,.Y.K. Sharma,,V.K Mishra and D.K. Sharma (2008). Fluoride accumulation in soil and vegetation in the vicinity of brick field. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Springer) 80: 369-373.
  2. S.K. Jha, Y.K. Sharma, A.K. Nayak, Deepak, Devanand (2023). Fluoride risk assessment from agricultural soils in India: a study based on vertical, spatial and geochemical distribution. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195:495. doi.org/10.1007/s10661-023-11092-1.
  3. S.K. Jha. Y.K. Sharma, A.K. Nayak, V.K. Mishra, T. Damodaran (2020). Groundwater quality with special reference to fluoride in Unnao district Uttar Pradesh, India: A hydro-geochemical and multivariate statistical approach. Fluoride 53(4); 582-594.


  1. S.K. Jha, A.K. Nayak and Y.K. Sharma (2012). Geochemical and spatial appraisal of fluoride in the soils of Indo-Gangetic plains of India using multivariate analysis. Clean- soil, air, water (Wiley-VCH Verlag) 40(12):1392-1400.
  2. S.K. Jha, Y.K. Sharma, T. Damodaran, V.K. Mishra and D.K. Sharma (2012). Bio-concentration of fluoride in Lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus) grown in contaminated alkaline soil and evaluation of exposure risk in human. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry (Taylor & Francis)95(1): 138–149.
  3. S.K. Jha, A.K. Nayak, Y.K. Sharma, D.K. Sharma & V.K. Mishra (2015). Assessing seasonal variation of fluoride in groundwater for irrigation uses through hydro-geochemical and multivariate statistical approach. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry (Taylor & Francis) 97(7): 868-887.
  4. V.K. Mishra, S.K. Jha*, T. Damodaran, Yash P. Singh, Shefali Srivastava, D.K. Sharma, Janki Prasad (2019). Feasibility of coal combustion fly ash alone and in combination with gypsum and green manure for reclamation of degraded sodic soils of the Indo-Gangetic Plains: A mechanism evaluation. Land Degradation and Development 30:1300–1312. (*Corresponding author)


Fellowships & Awards:

  1. Received Team Research AwardDBT Biotech Product, Process Development and Commercialization Award 2013-14”.


  1. Received ICAR’s prestigious national award The Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Post Graduate Agricultural Research for the year 2010” for my outstanding research in the field of Natural Resource Management.


  1. Received “Bioved Fellowship Award 2013” in the field of Environmental Science and Soil Chemistry given byBioved Research Institute of Agriculture and Technology, Allahabad.


  1. Received “CSSRI, Excellence Award” for my outstanding contribution to the Institute given by Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal (Haryana).


  1. Bestowed with Outstanding Scientist Award – 2016 by International Journal of Tropical Agriculture (IJTA) and serial Publication, New Delhi.


Significant achievements

A first ever scientific attempt on intensive scale to analyze the impact of fluoride in ground water and its exposure on the ecological system and sustainable agriculture in Unnao district, Uttar Pradesh, was made for which ICAR has bestowed me with Jawahar Lal Nehru Award for Post Graduate Agricultural Research-2010. I have evaluated site specific exposure doses of fluoride through groundwater source of drinking water, common vegetables and cereal crops (rice and wheat). I have developed and recommended wide range of reclamation technologies and management strategies for sodic soils and waterlogged sodic soils. Currently, I am working on the surface and sub-surface sodicity management strategies using amendments which could be alternative to mineral gypsum. The novel, innovative and pioneering research work for enhancing productivity potential of horticultural crops in sodic soils in multidisciplinary team mode has also led the development of 03 bio-formulations viz CSR-BIO (bio-growth enhancer) and ICAR-FUSICONT (for fusarium wilt control in banana), and GROWSURE, all have been commercialized. I have also developed a novel technology “Under Ground Taming/Transfer of Floods for Irrigation (UTFI)”,which involved strategically recharging aquifers having latent or depleted groundwater storage capacity with simultaneous flood mitigation in rural and urban areas. A patent and DBT award is also on my name



Mailing address: sk.jha@icar.gov.in; jhask_01@yahoo.com




Dr. Sanjay Arora

Dr. Sanjay Arora

Principal Scientist (Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Microbiology)



02 Designation Principal Scientist
03 Date of birth 08 March 1972
04 Official  Address ICAR-CSSRI, RRS,

Old Jail Road, PO; Dilkusha,

Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh

05 Residential Address J-144, Sector J, Aashiyana, Lucknow (UP)
  1. Academic qualification
Degree Name of university Passing year Division/OGPA
Ph.D. (Soil Sci) Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 2001 First
M.Sc (Soil Sci) Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner 1997 First/University Gold Medal
B.Sc. Agri (Hons) Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner 1994 First


  1. Date of joining in the ICAR           22 August 2008
  2. Service Experience


Pay Scale/

Pay Band with Grade Pay/Research Grade Pay/Pay Level

Nature of work Organization/









Principal Scientist   Research / Extension ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Lucknow 22-8-2014 till date
Senior Scientist   Research / Extension ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Bharuch/ Lucknow 22-8-2008 21-8-2014


10.  Specialization  : Soil Science (Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Microbiology)




  1. Publications
Research papers 137
Popular articles 23
Book chapters 64
Bulletin 4
Practical/training manual 5
Scientific Review paper 2
Edited book 12
Authored book (Hindi) 1
Extension folder 7
E-Publication 3


  1. Fellowship and Award
  2. Fellowship : 3
  3. Awards : 7
  4. Best paper award : 2
  5. Recognition : Vice-Chair, IUSS Commission 3.6 (Salt Affected Soils)

                                      Councillor, World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing

                                      Chief Editor, Journal of Soil & Water Conservation (NAAS: 5.20)

                                      Organizing Secretary, International Conferences 2015, 2019

                                      Technical Expert, Board of Studies, CSJMU, Kanpur           

  1. Teaching and guidance
Name of course Degree programme Duration
SS 605 (2+1) and SS 602 (2+0) and Agri 111 (2+1); SS (Soil-Plant water relations) and SS 701 (Advances in Soil Fertility); SS 702 (Advances in Soil Chemistry) UG, PG & PhD 2001-2008

 Guidance : Guided 13 students for Masters Research and 02 for PhD Research

Mailing address: ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Old Jail Road, Lucknow 226002 (UP); Email: Sanjay.Arora@icar.gov.in, aroraicar@gmail.com


Google scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6sRw-YkAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=7


h – Index (Google Scholar Index)               
Google Scholar Index (h-index) Google Scholar Index (i10 index) Citations
23 67 2480


Dr. Atul Kumar Singh

Dr. Atul Kumar Singh

PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST (Soil & Water Conservation)


Date of Birth 13th March 1962
Address Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (ICAR)
Regional Research Station, Opp. KanshiramSmarak, Jail Road,
P.O. Dilkusha, LUCKNOW – 226002 U.P., India
E-mail :AK.Singh@icar.gov.in
Academic career
Degree/ Certificate University/Institution Year
Ph.D. (Water Resources) Institute of Engineering Technology, UPTU, Lucknow, U.P. 2011
M.Tech (Irrigation & Drainage Engineering Mahatma PhuleKrishiVidyapeeth, Rahuri, Maharastra 1987
B.Tech (Agricultural Engineering) Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab 1984

Principal Scientist Research & Extension ICAR ICAR-CSSRI Regional Research Station, Lucknow (UP) 7th Nov, 2014 to till date
Senior Scientist Research & Extension ICAR ICAR-CSSRI Regional Research Station, Lucknow (UP) & ICAR RCER, Patna, Bihar 1st February, 2001 to 6th November, 2014
Asst. Prof. (AgrilEngg.) Research, Teaching, Extension & Administration NDUA&T Deptt. Of AgrilEngg. and Crop Research Station,Basuli 24thMarch, 1992 to 31st January, 2001.
Asst. Prof. (AgrilEngg.) (onAdhoc basis) Teaching & Extension NDUA&T Deptt. Of AgrilEngg.
11th January, 1988 to 10th July, 1989

Priority research area of interst
On-farm water management, Pressurized Irrigation System, Agricultural Mechanization, Conservation Tillage, Farming System Research.
Research projects (in-house/external) in hands with name of funding agency
1. Handled approximately over 10 in house projects and around 10 externally funded projects in the capacity of PI/Co-PI in past.Externally funded projects were mainly sponsored by NATP and NAIP (through world bank), DFID, U.K., IRRI/USAID, Ministry of Water Resources Govt. of India, IDE (under SARI Energy programme), UPCAR etc.
2. Currently have one in house project as PI and one as Co-PI and two externally funded project as Co-PI funded by ICAR and UP CST.
Total publications
Research papers in referred journals 25
Research papers published in proceedings of workshops/symposium/conferences/compendiums  15
Book chapters 10
Popular articles 5
Training/Practical manuals 5
Technical reports and bulletins 5
Extension bulletins and pamphlets 10
Books (edited) 4
Transfer of technology & continuing education
(Teaching/mentoring activities)
Some of the major technologies/concepts attempted to transfer at farmers field
Raising Bund height to conserve rainwater
Use of water saving irrigation methods such as Sprinkler, drip and LEWA
Multiple uses of water to enhance land and water productivity of low lands
Use of laser leveller
Cage fish farming for wetland area
Judicious use of canal water below outlet level through formation of WUA (Water User Associations) and SHG (Self Help Groups, OMG (Outlet Management Groups)
Encouraging and revival of community tubewell concept in Vaishali district of Bihar
Formation of self help groups with focusing livelihood improvement aspect
Mushroom production by landless families
Poly house for raising early vegetable nursery and early summer crops
Establishment of KSK (KrishiSoochna Kendra)
Establishment of VSK (Village Soochna Kendra)
Use of Solar powered irrigation pump
Encouraging famers to adopt salt tolerant varieties of rice, wheat and mustard in sodic areas to enhance crop productivity

Extension (if any)
Organized and participated in several extensions programmes involving field demonstration of technologies, farmers training, MGMG,
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.
1. Patent filed for LEWA (Low Energy Water Application) device,
2. Copyright for developing GypCal mobile application in hindi and English.

Significant contributions relating to the relevant field of specialization
Significant contributions relating to the relevant field of specialization
1. Low Energy Water Application (LEWA) device developed focussing marginal and small farm holdings and close growing crops.The device operates in the operating pressure range of 0.4 Kg/cm2 to 0.6 Kg/cm2. Saving of water and energy reported.
2. The developed LEWA device integrated to develop and design a LEWA irrigation system to practice irrigation. The developed system tested, demonstrated, and applied in field at various locations and farmer’s field. Testing reported the system works within the pressure range of 1 Kg/cm2 – 1.5 Kg/cm2 depending upon the size of unit.
3. Irrigation scheduling practices developed for Tomato, Brinjal and Cabbage-Okra sequences, to promote use of drip irrigation in irrigated midlands and uplands of Bihar.
4. Cage fish farming for wetland area were refined, assessed and adopted to demonstrate multiple use of water options. The developed cage culture technology was refined depending upon the need of farmer’s and area. Under the project, bamboo (local material) used to fabricate the cage structure and mesh/net materials were used to enclose. The refined cage was immersed in a large water body (Chaur).
5. Development of Integrated Farming System models under of 0.5 acre, 1.0 acre, and 2 acre considering the types of holding and crop grown in eastern India for marginal and small farm holders. The 0.5-acre IFS model implemented and adopted by the farmer by utilizing waterlogged unutilized land.
6. Participatory Water Management process developed and applied in Sone Command. WUAs, SHGs, OMGs (outlet management groups), and other interest groups formed and exposed to the concept of utilizing rainwater, discouraging field to field irrigation, multiple use of water, checking the free flow of canal water, conjunctive use of rain, canal and groundwater etc. Farmers reported reduction in number of irrigation, increased availability of water at tailreaches and enhancing income from unproductive lands.
7. Irrigation Scheduling practices developed for Rice and Wheat grown under sodic soils.
8. Developed GypCal mobile applications in hindi and english to estimate gypsum and leaching requirement for sodic soils.
9. Organized short courses, 21 day training programme/winter school involving researchers, extension workers, state govt. personnel, farmers trainings and delivered lectures as resource person to enhance participant knowledge in the field of water management, supervised B. Tech (AgrilEngg.) students of SAUs to undertake one month summer practical training.

Dr. K.T. Ravi Kiran

Dr. K.T. Ravi Kiran

SCIENTIST (Genetics and Plant Breeding)


Date of birth: 22.10.1989


Degrees Board / University
B.Sc. (Agriculture) 2007-11 Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural
University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
M.Sc. (Genetics and Plant Breeding) 2011-13 Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural
University, Hyderabad, Telangana

M.Sc. Area of research: “Genetic analysis of grain iron and zinc concentrations in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)”

List of projects being carried out as a CO-PI

Name of the project Funded by
1. Development of salt tolerant genotypes in rice- conventional and Institute, CSSRI
molecular breeding approaches.
2. Molecular genetic analysis of resistance/ tolerance in rice, wheat, ICAR
chickpea and mustard including sheath blight complex genomics.
3. Stress tolerant rice for poor farmers of Africa and South Asia BMGF-IRRI
4. National  Project  on  Transgenics  in  Crops-Salt  tolerance  in  rice: ICAR- NRCPB
Functional Genomics
5. Agrobiodiversity ICAR

Research Experience:

(a) Total (yrs): January 2015 to till date

Specialization: Biometrical Genetics and Plant Breeding

List of publications:

  • K.T. Ravi Kiran, K. Radhika and A. Ashok Kumar. 2015. Heterosis and inbreeding depression for grain iron and zinc concentrations along with yield and its contributing traits in sorghum (Sorghum bicolour L. Moench). Green Farming Vol. 6 (4): 668-671.


  • Awarded DST-INSPIRE fellowship during Ph.D. degree programme

  • “Sri Neelamraju Ganga Prasada Rao and Kamala Gold Medal” for having secured the highest OGPA in B.Sc. (Agriculture) Degree Course

  • “The award of 77 Agri-Cos Gold Medal” for having secured the highest OGPA in B.Sc. (Agriculture) Degree Course.

  • “Sri Munnangi V. Subba Reddy Gold Medal” for securing highest OGPA in M.Sc. (Ag.) in the department of Genetics and Plant Breeding in the Faculty of Agriculture

  • “Sri Mandava Venkataramaiah Gold Medal” for securing highest OGPA in M.Sc. (Ag.) in the department of Genetics and Plant Breeding in the Faculty of Agriculture

  • “Smt. G. Venkata Narasamma Gold Medal” for securing highest OGPA in M.Sc. (Ag.) in the Faculty of Agriculture

Seminars, conferences and trainings attended:

  • Participated via poster presentation in the 3rd International plant physiology conference held at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi from 11-14 December 2015.

  • Undergone Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Service (FOCARS 101) at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad from 1st January – 31st March 2015.

  • Three months Professional Attachment training at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal on Exploration of novel genotypes for seedling stage salinity tolerance in rice

Scientific memberships

Life time member of Indian society of soil salinity and water quality