Salt Tolerant high yielding rice varieties
Basmati CSR 30 | ![]() |
CSR 101 | ![]() ![]() •CSR 101 is a MAS derived line of Pusa 44 (Saltol + xa13 + Xa21) •Salt tolerant (Saltol) and resistant to Bacterial Leaf Blight (xa13 + Xa21) •Suitable for time-sown irrigated ecologies of Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu •Duration –130 -135days •Long Bold Grain •Yield Normal – 5.5 t/ha Salt stress condition –4t/ha •Growth is nearly normal under moderate salt stress i.e. Alkalinity – 9.8 to 10.0 pH and Salinity – 8 dS/m conditions •Notified and Released from CVRC in 2024 •>5% advantage over Pusa 44 Under Stress condition |
CSR 104 | ![]() ![]() •CSR 104 Suitable for time-sown irrigated ecologies of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana •Duration – 110-120 days •Long Slender Grain •Yield Normal – 6 t/ha Sodic stress – 4.0 t/ha •Salt tolerant & growth is nearly normal under moderate salt stress i.e. Alkalinity – pH 9.8 to 10.0 •Notified and Released from CVRC in 2024 •CSR 104 is >5% advantage over Salt tolerant check CSR 36 and CSR 10 •Moderately resistant to leaf blast, neck blast, brown spot, RTD, and glume discoloration diseases •Moderately resistant to stem borer, plant hopper and BPH+WBPH |
CSR 105 | ![]() •CSR 105 is suitable for time-sown irrigated ecologies of Gujrat and Haryana •CSR 105 Suitable for aerobic and direct-seeded rice cultivation •Duration – 120-125 days •Long Slender Grain •Yield Potential – 6 t/ha Sodic stress – 4.0 t/ha •Notified and Released from CVRC in 2024 •CSR 105 is showed >5% Yield advantage over check CR Dhan 201 •Moderately resistant to leaf blast, neck blast, and brown spot diseases. •Moderately resistant to stem borer, plant hopper, leaf folder, and BPH+WBPH •Exhibited good grain quality traits, as it has high hulling (77.5%), milling (66.05%), head rice recovery (55.20%), amylase content (25.58%) |
CSR 10 | ![]() It has a plant height of about 85 cm and matures in 120 days. It has short bold grains. It acts as acts as biological amendment for highly deteriorated sodic and inland saline soils. It is recommended for the area having highly deteriorated sodic and inland saline soils. It is excellent under high stress condition. It can tolerate sodicity up to pH2 ~10.0 and salinity up to 11 dS/m. It’s grain yield in normal soils is 6.0 tons/ha and in salt affected soils is 3.0 tons/ha |
CSR 23 | ![]() |
CSR 27 | ![]() |
CSR 36 | ![]() |
CSR 43 | ![]() |
Salt Tolerant high yielding wheat varieties

a) KRL 1-4
It is a dwarf type variety with 145 days of maturity. The grain texture is hard, medium bold and amber in color. It also tolerates the salinity stress up to ECe 7.0 dSm-1. It was the first wheat variety released for saline and sodic soils of the north western plain zones of the country. It has environmental impacts as it reduces the use of chemicals for soil amendment. The yield potential in normal soils is 4.0 tonnes/ha and in sodic soils (having pH up to 9.3) is 3.0 tonnes/ha.

b) KRL 19
It is resistant to yellow and brown rusts as well as for Karnal bunt resistance. It is highly responsive to fertilizers as well as resistant to lodging and shattering even under high input, irrigated and timely sown conditions. Even moderately late sowing does not affect the yield significantly. It has amber grain colour with good grain appearance, high protein content (12%), hectoliter weight (77.4) and sedimentation value (47.4). It has been specifically bred for salt tolerance to saline (ECe 5-7 dSm-1 ) as well as alkaline (pH2 9.3 to 9.4) soil conditions. It also does well in areas, where the ground water is either brackish and/or saline (ECiw 15-20 dSm-1 , RSC 12-14 meq l-1 ). Its cultivation has environmental impacts as it reduces the use of chemicals for soil amendment. The yield potential in normal soils is 4.5 tonnes/ha and in salt affected soils (having pH up to 9.3 and EC up to 7.0 dS/m) is 3.0 tonnes/ha.

c.) KRL 210
It is a semi dwarf variety. It takes about 143 days to mature. Its grains are amber in colour, bold in size and contain about 11% protein. It is resistant to yellow and brown rusts, loose smut, Karnal bunt and flag smut. It has also shown tolerance to shoot fly. The hectolitre weight of the grain is 77 Kg with sedimentation value of 39. It is recommended for salt affected soils of NWPZ and NEPZ. Its cultivation has environmental impacts as it reduces use of chemicals for soil amendment. The yield potential in normal soils is 5.2 tonnes/ha and in salt affected soils (having pH up to 9.3 and EC up to 6 dS/m) is 3.5 tonnes/ha.

d.) KRL 213
It has an excellent plant type (semi dwarf), 97 days for days to flowering, 145 days to maturity in NWPZ. However in NEPZ the variety attains flowering and maturity at 91 and 128 days, respectively. It is resistant to yellow as well as brown rusts, leaf blight, Karnal bunt and hill bunt. It has amber coloured grain with 11% protein content, 77 Kg hectoliter weight and sedimentation value of 29. It is recommended for salt affected soils of NWPZ and NEPZ. It has been specifically bred for salt tolerance to saline (ECe 6.0 dSm-1 ) as well as alkaline soils (up to pH2 9.2) conditions. It also does well in areas where the groundwater is either brackish and/or saline (ECiw 15 dSm-1 ; RSC 12-14 meq l-1 ). Its cultivation has environmental impacts as it reduces the use of chemicals for soil amendment. The yield potential in normal soils is 5.1 tonnes/ha and in salt affected soils (having pH up to 9.2 and EC up to 6.4 dS/m) is 3.3 tonnes/ha.

e.) KRL 283: KRL 283
It has been identified by UP state variety release committee for sodic soils of Uttar Pradesh in 2015 on the basis of good yielding ability and salt tolerance with superiority in grain yield on three years mean (15.02%, 13.68% and 5.24%) over salt tolerant checks, K-8334, NW 1067, and KRL 19 respectively. Under normal conditions its yield potential is 48-62 qt/ha while in sodic soils (pH 9.0-9.3) it gave 45-48 q/ha. KRL 283 has shown multiple stress resistance (Abiotic StressesSodicity/Alkalinity/Waterlogging/lodging /Biotic stressesStripe Rust/ Brown Rust/ Stem Rust/Karnal bunt/Aphid/Shoot fly).
Salt Tolerant high yielding mustard varieties
a) CS 52
It grows up to a height of 170-175 cm. It matures in about 130-132 days. Its seeds are brown in colour and medium in size with 1000 seed weight more than 4.5 g. By growing in saline soils and even irrigating with saline water, 38% oil content has been determined from the seeds of this variety. It can grow economically in saline soils up to a soil salinity level (ECe) 9.0 dS m-1 and in alkali soils up to pH2 ~ 9.3. It is highly suitable for saline and sodic soil conditions. The yield potential in normal soils is 18-20 quintal/ha and in salt affected soils (having pH up to 9.3 and soil salinity upto 9.0 dS/m) is 15-16 quintal/ha.
b) CS 54
It grows up to a height of 160-170 cm. It takes about 45 days for 50% flowering and matures in about 121-125 days. Its seeds are brown and bold with 1000 seed weight more than 5.0 g. Its main shoot length is around 65-70 cm and it has more than 14 seeds per siliqua. It yields around 39% oil content even under salt stress conditions. It is recommended for saline soils up to soil salinity level (ECe) of 6-9 dS m-1 and in alkali soils up to pH2 ~ 9.3. It is highly suitable for saline and sodic soil conditions. The yield potential in normal soils is 20-24 quintal/ha and in salt affected soils (having pH up to 9.3 and soil salinity upto 9.0 dS/m) is 16-19 quintal/ha.
c) CS 56
It grows up to a height of 198-202 cm. It matures in about 132-135 days. It is moderately tolerant to Alternaria black spot, black leg (leaf, root and stem rot), white rust, Sclerotinia stem rot, mildew and aphids. Its oil content percent is 39. It is suitable in late sown irrigated conditions and in Rice – Mustard cropping system. It is recommended for Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The yield potential in normal soils is 22-26 quintal/ha and in salt affected soils (having pH up to 9.3 and soil salinity upto 9.0 dS/m) is 16-19 quintal/ha.
d) CS 58
It grows up to a height of 180-185 cm. It matures in about 130-135 days and 1000 seed weight is 5.0-5.5 g. It is recommended for saline soils up to soil salinity level (ECe) up to 11.0 dS m-1 and in alkali soils up to pH2 ~ 9.4. It is highly suitable for saline and sodic soil conditions. It yields around 40% oil content even under salt stress conditions. The yield potential in normal soils is 26-28 quintal/ha and in salt affected soils (having pH up to 9.4 and soil salinity upto 9.0 dS/m) is 20-22 quintal/ha.
e) CS 60
It grows up to a height of 182-187 cm. It matures in about 125-132 days and 1000 seed weight is 5.0-5.2 g. It is recommended for saline soils up to soil salinity level (ECe) up to 12.0 dS m-1 and in alkali soils up to pH2 ~ 9.5. It is highly suitable for saline and sodic soil conditions. It yields around 41% oil content even under salt stress conditions. The yield potential in normal soils is 25-29 quintal/ha and in salt affected soils (having pH up to 9.5 and soil salinity upto 12 dS/m) is 20-22 quintal/ha.