Principal Scientist (Computer Science)
01 | Name | Dr. RAZA HAIDER RIZVI | |
02 | Designation | Principal Scientist (Computer Appl. & IT) | |
03 | Date of birth | 25-June-1972 | |
04 | Official Address | ICAR-CSSRI, Regional Research Station,
Old Jail Road, PO; Dilkusha, Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh |
05 | Residential Address | 75, Bairooni Khandaq, Keshav Bhaduri Road, Lucknow- 226018 |
- Academic qualification
Sl. No. | Certificate/ Degree | College/ University | Year | Division/ OGPA |
1. | High School | V.H.I. College, Lucknow (U.P) | 1986 | First |
2. | Intermediate | V.H.I. College, Lucknow (U.P.) | 1988 | Second |
3. | Graduation (B.Sc.) | Shia Degree College, Lucknow (U.P.) | 1991 | First |
4. | Post-Graduation (M.Sc.) | Lucknow University, Lucknow (U.P.) | 1993 | First |
5. | Ph.D. | Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra | 2007 | First |
- Date of joining in the ICAR: 20th, 1999
- Service Experience:
Nature of work | Research Grade Pay/Pay Level | Period
Scientist | ICAR- NRCAF, Jhansi | Research, Training & Extension | Rs. 15600 + 6000 RGP | 20-11-1999 | 19.11.2005 |
Scientist (Sr. Scale) | ICAR- NRCAF, Jhansi | Research, Training & Extension | Rs. 15600 + 7000 RGP | 20.11.2005 | 19.11.2008 |
Senior Scientist | ICAR- NRCAF, Jhansi | Research, Training & Extension | Rs. 37400 + 8000 RGP | 20.11.2008 | 19.11.2011 |
Senior Scientist | ICAR- NRCAF, Jhansi | Research, Training & Extension | Rs. 37400 + 9000 RGP | 20.11.2011 | 19.11.2014 |
Principal Scientist | ICAR- CAFRI, Jhansi
ICAR- CSSRI RRS, Lucknow* |
Research, Training & Extension | Rs. 37400 + 10000 RGP | 20.11.2014 | Till date |
* Since 15.02.2021
10 Specialization: Geospatial Technology Applications in Natural Resources, Statistical Modelling for Tree Growth/ Biomass, Watershed Characterization and Resource Mapping
- Publications
1. | Research Papers | 63 |
2. | Popular/ Technical articles | 41 |
3. | Seminar/ Symposium Abstracts | 53 |
4. | Chapters in Book | 15 |
5. | Technical Bulletins | 09 |
6. | Project Reports | 05 |
7. | Edited Book | 02 |
8. | Extension Folder | 01 |
9. | Training Material/ Course Compendium | 02 |
Total | 179 |
- Fellowship and Awards/ Recognition
- Conferred “Brandis Prize” in 2011 by FRI, Dehradun for best research paper in Indian Forester.
- Institute award for best poster in Hindi in 2009, 2010 & 2014 was given by NRCAF, Jhansi.
- Institute award for best research paper in 2007, 2016 & 2017 was given by CAFRI, Jhansi.
- Nanaji Deshmukh Best Team Award conferred in 2019 was given by ICAR, New Delhi.
- Conferred Dr K.G. Tejwani Award for excellence in Agroforestry Research and Development in year 2022 by ISAF.
- Reviewer for Journal of Environment Management, Journal of Forestry, Tropical Ecology, Range Management & Agroforestry and Trees, Forest and People.
Significant achievements (not more than 300 words)
Developed methodologies for mapping trees on farmlands/ agroforestry using medium resolution (LISS III, 23.5m) and high resolution (LISS IV, 5.8m) remote sensing data. Two methodologies are based on sub-pixel and object-oriented classification methods. Besides, methodology for identifying and mapping tree species on farmlands has been developed and standardized. Using this methodology, area under Poplar (Populus deltoides) species has been mapped in Indo-Gangetic plains.
Biomass models for Azadirachta indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Populus deltoides and Techtona grandis tree species have been developed. Also carbon storage potential of these species on the farmlands was also estimated.
Research Publications (last 5 years)
Journals (National/ International)
- Vikrant, K.K., Chauhan, D.S., Rizvi, R.H. et al. (2018). Mapping the extent of agroforestry area in different altitudes in Tehri district, Northwest Himalaya, India through GIS and remote sensing data. J Indian Soc. Remote Sens. 46(9): 1470-1480. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-018-0792-0)
- Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Ajit, Dhillon, R.S. and Tewari, Salil. 2018. Construction and validation of generalized biomass models for estimation of carbon stock of important agroforestry species. Indian J. Agroforestry, 20(2): 68-72.
- Kumar, Sudhir, Prasad, Rajendra, Kumar, A, Dev, Inder, and Rizvi, R.H. 2018. Effect of hi-foliage nutrient spray on yield and quality of Zizyphus mauritiana Cv. Seo under agroforestry systems. Indian J. Agroforestry, 20(2): 89-93.
- Rizvi, R.H., Newaj, Ram, Chaturvedi, O.P., Prasad, R., Handa, A.K. Alam, B. 2019. Carbon sequestration and CO2 absorption by agroforestry systems: an assessment for central plateau and hill region of India. Earth Systems Science, 128: 56 (DOI: 10.1007/s12040-019-107-3).
- Rizvi, R.H., Singh, M., Kumar, A. and Srivastava, S. 2020. Valuation of carbon sequestration by Poplar based agroforestry systems in Yamunanagar, Haryana. Indian J. Agricultural Sciences, 90(2): 312-315.
- Chavan, S.B., Newaj, Ram, Rizvi, R.H., Ajit, Prasad, Rajendra, Alam, Badre, Handa, A.K., Dhyani, S.K., Jain, Amit and Tripathi, D. 2020. Reduction of global warming potential vis-à-vis greenhouse gases through traditional agroforestry systems in Rajasthan, India. Environmental, Development and Sustainability (DoI: 10.1007/s10668-020-00788-w).
- Rizvi, R.H., Sridhar, K.B., Handa, A.K., Singh, R.K., Dhyani, S.K., Rizvi, J. and Dongre, G. 2020. Spatial analysis of area and carbon stocks under Populus deltoids based agroforestry systems in Punjab and Haryana states of Indo-Gangetic plains. Agroforestry Systems, 94(6): 2185-2197. (https/doi.org/10.1007/s10457-020-00540-3).
- Rizvi, R.H., Alam, B., Handa, A.K., Chavan, S.B. and Prasad, R. 2020. Mapping of tree species and assessment of area under agroforestry systems in Karnataka, India. Indian J. Agroforestry, 22: 16-20.
- Kumar, D., Rizvi, R.H., Bhatt, S., Singh, R., and Chaturvedi, O.P. 2021. Land use/ land cover change and soil fertility mapping using GIS and remote sensing: A case study of Parasia-Sindh watershed in Bundelkhand region of Central India. Range Management & Agroforestry, 42(1): 15-21.
- Rizvi, R.H., Vishnu, R., Handa, A.K., Ramanan, S., Yadav, M. et al. 2021. Mapping of agroforestry systems and Salix species in Western Himalaya Agro-climatic Zone of India. Current Science, 121(10): 1347-1351. (doi: 10.18520/cs/v121/i10/1347-1351)
- Arunachalam, A., Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Ramanan, S. 2022. Agroforestry in India: area estimates and methods. Current Science, 123(6): 743-744.
- Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Sridhar, K.B., Singh, R.K., Londhe, S., Dhyani, S.K., Rizvi, Javed, Dongre, G and Yadav, M. 2022. Contribution of Populus deltoids based agroforestry systems in atmospheric CO2 reduction in northern states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Range Management & Agroforestry, 43(2): 263-268.
- Handa, A., Rizvi, R.H., Arunachalam, A. Singh, R.K. Dhyani, S.K., Rizvi, Javed, Verma, Archna, and Yadav, Maneesh. 2023. Azadirachta indica and Prosopis cineraria species contribution in agroforestry/ tree cover in arid region of Rajasthan. Indian J. Agroforestry, 25(1): 133-136.
Seminar Symposium/ Conference: Abstracts
- Rizvi, RH, Newaj, Ram, Handa, AK, Alam, Badre, Prasad, Rajendra, and Chaturvedi, OP. 2018. State level assessment of area and carbon sequestration under agroforestry systems for Karnataka, India. In: International Agroforestry Conference on “Promotion of Agroforestry for rural Income Generation, Climate Change Mitigation and Adoption”, Kathmandu, Nepal. April 27-29, 2018.
- Rizvi, RH, Newaj, Ram, Yadav, M and Srivastava, S. 2018. Application of object based classification for mapping trees on farmlands. INCA International Congress on Emerging Technologies in cartography. Hyderabad, Oct. 29-31, pp.30.
- Rizvi, RH, Newaj, Ram, Srivastava, S. and Yadav, Maneesh. 2019. Mapping trees on farmlands using OBIA method and high resolution satellite data: A case study of Korapur district, Odisha. In: ISPRS-GEOGLAM-ISRS International Workshop on Earth Observatons for Agricultural Monitoring, IARI, N. Delhi, Feb. 18-20, 2019.
- Rizvi, R.H., Sridhar, K.B., Rizvi, J., Handa, A.K. and Dongre, G. 2019. Spatial analysis of area and carbon stock in Populus deltoides based agroforestry systems in Punjab state, India. In: 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, Montpellier, France. May 20-22, 2019.
- Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Shiran, S., Singh, R.K., Dhyani, S.K., Rizvi, J., and Yadav, M. 2021. Tree species mapping on Farmlands in Pali district of Rajasthan using Sentinel-2 high resolution satellite data. Conference of Asian Journal of Geosciences, Istanbul, Turkey. Nov. 25-28, 2021.
- Yadav, M., Rizvi, R.H., Handa, A.K., Singh, R.K., Abbas, M., Dhyani, S.K. and Arunachalam, A. 2021. Object-oriented approach for tree species identification and mapping on farmlands in Rajasthan, India. In: ISG-ISRS National Symposium on “i-Geomatics: An Integrated Technology to Empower Citizens towards Self-reliant Nation”, Punjab Remote Sensing Centre, Ludhiana; Dec. 15-17, 2021.
- Rizvi, R.H., Arora, S., Verma, C.L., Yadav, P.P.S. and Sharma, P.C. 2022. Spectral Analysis of Waterlogged Salt-affected soils in Sharda Sahayak Canal Command. In: Book of Abstracts- 6th National conference on Salinity Management for Land Degradation, Nuetrality and Livelihood Security under Changing Climate”, Tiruchirapally (TN), Oct. 11-13, 2022.
Technical Bulletin/ Brief
- Newaj, Ram, Rizvi, R.H., Prasad, R. Handa, A.K. Kumar, D. Sangram Chavan, Alam, B., Bhaskar, S. and Prabhakar, M. 2018. Agroforestry in Climate Change Mitigation: Current Status. Technical Brief 01/2018, NICRA, ICAR, N. Delhi.
- Rizvi, R.H., Ram Newaj, A.K. Handa, K.B. Sridhar and Anil Kumar. 2019. Agroforestry mapping in India through Geospatial technologies: Present Status and Way Forward. Technical Bulletin-1/2019, ICAR- CAFRI, Jhansi: pp. 35.
- Rizvi, R.H., A.K. Handa, K.B. Sridhar, Anil Kumar, S. Bhaskar, A. Arunachalam, Noyal Thomas, S. Ashutosh, R.K. Sapra, Girish Pujar, R.K. Singh, Sunil Londhe, Devashree Nayak, Atul Dogra, S.K. Dhyani, Javed Rizvi, Tor-Gunnar Vagen, M. Ahmad and Gaurav Dongre. 2020. Mapping Agroforestry and Trees Outside Forest. Jointly Published by ICAR-CAFRI, Jhansi and South Asia Regional Program- World Agroforestry (ICRAF).
Chapters in Book
- Singh, R., Dev, Inder, Tewari, R.K., Rizvi, R.H., Garg, K.K., Singh, A.K., Dwivedi, R.P., Sridhar, K.B., Singh, Mahendra, Kumar, Dhiraj, Sarkar, P.K. and Chaturvedi, O.P. 2018. Improved Livelihoods and Ecosystem Services through Agroforestry based Watershed Interventions in Bundelkhand region of Central India. In: Agroforestry for Climate Resilience and Rural Livelihood (Eds: Dev et al.), Scientific Publisher, pp. 241-250.
- K. Vikrant, D. S. Chauhan and R. H. Rizvi. 2021, Assessment of Biomass and Carbon Stock along Altitudes in Traditional Agroforestry System in Tehri District of Uttarakhand, India, In: Akshat Uniyal & Isha Sharma, (eds) Trends in Agriculture: Traditional And Modern Approaches. pp. 243-256.
- Rizvi, R.H., Ahmad, F., Handa, A.K., Arunachalam, A. (2023). Agroforestry Suitability Mapping: A Geospatial Approach for Quantifying Land Potential for Intensification. In: Dagar, J.C., Gupta, S.R., Sileshi, G.W. (eds.) Agroforestry for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Asia and Africa. Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4602-8_17.
Google Scholar: R H Rizvi – Google Scholar
Mailing address: Raza.Rizvi@icar.gov.in
Contact: 9415113717