Senior Scientist (SS) Agroforestry
Soil & Crop Management
- Name: Raj Kumar
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Karnal, Haryana (INDIA) 132 001 E-mail:rajcswcrti@gmail.com Homepage: www.cssri.org Phone: 09429665628 |
- Academic qualification: Ph.D
- Current position: Senior Scientist
Past affiliation(s)
Sr. no | Institute | From | To |
1 | ICAR-National Academy for Agriculture Research and Management, Hyderabad, India | 11-05-2010 | 16-09-2010 |
2. | ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. | 17-09-2010 | 31-12-2013 |
3. | ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Research center, Vasad, Anand, Gujarat, India. | 01-01-2014 | 15-07-2017 |
4. | ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, India. | 16-07-2017 | Cont. |
- Priority research areas of interest:
- Ecological engineering and restorationof degraded lands
- Identifying elite planting material for degraded lands
- Developing climate resilient agroforestryfor degraded lands
- Research projects (in-house/external) in hands with name of funding agency
Sr. no. | Project title | Funding agency |
Project handled | ||
1 | Enhancing Productivity of ravine land by plantation of Sapota (Achraszapota L.) with inter cropping system (PI). | ICAR-IISWC (Institute funded) |
2 | Development and characterization of quality planting material of important MPTs for degraded lands of North-West Himalayas (PI). | ICAR-IISWC (Institute funded) |
3 | Devising economic frame work for ecosystem services payment and farmers’ livelihood in Mahi and Chambal ravine ecosystems (Co-PI). | ICAR- funded |
4 | Resource utilization and productivity of Dragon fruit based Horti-silviculture system under rainfed agro eco-systems of Central Gujarat (Co-PI). | ICAR-IISWC (Institute funded) |
5 | Assessing farmers’ knowledge, vulnerability and adapting capacity of soil and water conservation technologies under changing climatic scenario (Co-PI). | ICAR-IISWC (Institute funded) |
6 | Impact of land use changes on surface hydrology in Doon valley through remote sensing and GIS approach (Co- PI). | ICAR-IISWC (Institute funded) |
7 | Evaluation of hydrologic behavior and production potential of recommended land use systems/practices under different agro ecological regions of India (Co-PI). | ICAR-IISWC (Institute funded) |
Ongoing projects | ||
8 | Improvement of Meliadubia for salt tolerance through selection approach. | ICAR-CSSRI (Institute funded) |
9 | Enhancing productivity potential of saline soils through agroforestry interventions. | ICAR-CSSRI (Institute funded) |
- Publications
Research papers
- Mehta H, Kumar R, Dar MA, et al. 2018. Effect of geojute technique on density, diversity and carbon stock of plant species in landslide site of North West Himalaya. Journal of Mountain Science 15(9). 1961-1971
- Kumar R, Shamet GS, Mehta H, Alam NM, Kaushal R, Chaturvedi OP, Sharma N, Khaki BA and Gupta D. 2016. Regeneration complexities of Pinusgerardiana in dry temperate forests of Indian Himalaya. Environment Science and Pollution Research, 23(8): 7732-7743.
- Kumar R, Shamet G S, Alam NM and Jana C. 2016. Influence of growing medium and seed size on germination and seedling growth of Pinusgerardiana. Compost Science and Utilization. 24 (2): 94-104.
- Sanwal C S, Kumar R and Bhardwaj S. D. 2016. Growth and yield of Solanumkhasianum in Pinusroxburghii forest based silvi-medicinal system in mid hills of Indian Himalaya. Forest Ecosystems, 3 (19):1-9
- Sanwal C S, Kumar R, Dobhal S, Kerkatta S and Bhardwaj S. D. 2017. Production and conservation of medicinal plants in understorey of degraded Chir pine forests using sustainable technique. Current Science 112 (12): 1-6
- Kaushal R, Verma A, Mehta H, Mandal D, Tomar JMS, Jana C, Kumar R, Jayparkash J and Chaturvedi O P. Soil quality under Grewiaoptiva based agroforestry systems in western sub-Himalaya. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry 37 (1) : 50-55
- Kumar R, Shamet G S., Mehta H, Alam M,Tomar J M.S, Chaturvedi O P and Khajuria N. 2014. Influence of gibberellic acid and temperature on seed germination in Chilgoza pine (Pinusgerardiana). Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 19 (4): 363-367.
- Mehta H, Dar M A, Kumar R and Chaturvedi O P. 2014. Agricultural Patent Analysis during 2005-2012 in India. J. of Intellectual Property Management, 2014, 7(1/2):15 – 32
- Kumar S, Raizada A, Bishwas H. and Kumar R. 2014. Technical efficiency of fenugreek production in the semi-arid region of Rajsthan, India: A stochastic frontier approach. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 9(46):3411-3417.
- Sanwal C S, Kumar R and Bhardwaj S. D. 2016. Integration of Andrographispaniculata as Potential Medicinal Plant in Chir Pine (Pinusroxburghii) Plantation of North-Western Himalaya. Scientifica.Volume 2016, Article ID 2049532, 7p.
Book chapters
- Raj Kumar, J. Jayaprakash, J.M.S Tomar, O.P.Chaturvedi, Charan Singh and A.C.Rathore (2013) Fodder Production from Agroforestry Trees, In: Agroforestry: Theory and Practices (eds) Antony Joseph Raj and S.B. Lal, Scientific Publishers, India.
- Kaushal, Raj Kumar, J.M.S. Tomar and O.P. Chaturvedi. (2013) Alley Cropping System, In: Agroforestry: Theory and Practices (eds) Antony Joseph Raj and S.B. Lal, Scientific Publishers, India.
- Jayaprakash, Raj Kumar and A.C.Rathore (2012) Forest nursery technology, In: Forestry principles and applications (eds) Antony Joseph Raj and S.B. Lal, Scientific Publishers, India
- Banyal R., Raj Kumar, Kumar M., Yadav R.K., Dagar J.C. (2017) Agroforestry for Rehabilitation and Sustenance of Saline Ecologies. In: Dagar J., Tewari V. (eds) Agroforestry. Springer, Singapore.
- M.S Tomar, A.C Rathore, Rajesh Kaushal, Raj Kumar, J.Jayaprakash, H. Mehta and O.P. Chaturvedi. Agro forestry: A research manual. BISHEN SINGH MAHENDER PAL SINGH, Publisher and distributor of scientific books-Dehradun, India, (120 pages)
- Charan Singh, Harsh Mehta, J.M.S. Tomar, A.C. Rathore, R. Kaushal, J. Jayprakash, VibhaSinghal, Raj Kumar, V.K. Dwivedi (2017). Conservation Forestry and Horticulture. ICAR-IISWC, Dehradun. P 364, ISSN No. 976-81-924624-1-7.
- Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.
- Developed Process: Standardization of pre-treatments of Chilgoza pine (Pinusgerardiana Wall.) seeds for enhancing germinability; 2. Technology developed: Management of degraded bouldery riverbed land through Paulownia based Silvipasture system; 3. Identified concept: Impact of anthropogenic disturbances on phytosociology, stand Characteristics and regeneration status of chilgoza pine (Pinusgerardiana Wall.); 4. Identified concept: Pinusgerardiana for agroforestry systems: an opportunity for rural development; 6. Participatory technology Development: Performance of high yielding provenances of bhimal (Grewiaoptiva) along with field crops in North West Himalayas; 7. Developed tree biomass equations for ravines; 8. Developed concept and methodology for computing soil erosion impact on Sapotagrowth;9. Developed the methodology of climate change impact assessment in agroforestry; 10. Developed Technology: Geojute for rehabilitation of landslide areas in Himalaya.
- Significant contributions relating to the relevant field of specialization
- Assessed the effectiveness of bioengineering measures in soil and water conservation.
- Identified Celtisaustralisgermplasm for degraded lands
- Developed Sapota based agroforestry model for climate change mitigation.
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