Sr. Scientist (Agricultural Microbiology)
Soil & Crop Management
Name:Priyanka Chandra
ICAR- Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, India
Qualified Agricultural Research Services and joined ICAR in 2015 and posted at Indian
Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal -
Ph.D. from Department of Microbiology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship granted by University Grant Commission, New Delhi
Fellowship awarded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of
Science and Technology, New Delhi under “Fast Track scheme for Young Scientist” -
ICAR- NET 2013, and 2014
Attended 101st Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Scientists (FOCARS)
training at National Academy For Agricultural Research And Management (NAARM) Hyderabad from 1st January’ 2015 to 31st March’ 2015. -
Attended Field Experience Training (FET) at Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR),
Kanpur -
Orientation training at Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), Karnal
from 07.04.2015-08.05.2015. -
“Isolation, molecular characterization of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and
their efficiency on growth of sugarcane” professional attachment training at Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Division, Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow. -
Post doctoral fellowship for research project titled “Production of antioxidant and antihypertensive bioactive peptides from milk proteins by proteolytic lactobacilli”. Sanctioned by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi under “Fast Track scheme for Young Scientist”
Details of papers published in National and International journals
Chandra, P. and Arora, D. S. (2009). Antioxidant activity of fungi isolated from soil of
different areas of Punjab, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 1: 123-128. -
Arora, D. S., and Chandra, P. (2010). Assay of antioxidant potential of two Aspergillus
isolates by different methods under various physio-chemical conditions. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 41: 465-477. -
Arora, D. S. and Chandra, P. (2010). Optimization of antioxidant potential Aspergillus terreus through different statistical approaches. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 57: 77–86.
Sharma, R.K., Chandra, P., and Arora, D. S. (2010). Antioxidant properties and nutritional value of wheat straw bioproccessed Phanerocheate chrysosporium and Daedalea flavida. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 56: 519-523.
Arora, D. S., Sharma, R. K., and Chandra, P. (2011). Biodelignification of wheat straw and its effect on in vitro digestibility and antioxidant properties. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 65: 352–358
Arora, D. S., and Chandra, P. (2011). Antioxidant Activity of Aspergillus fumigatus. ISRN Pharmacology, Article ID 619395, doi:10.5402/2011/619395
Arora, D. S. and Chandra, P. (2011). In vitro antioxidant potential of some soil fungi: screening of functional compounds and their purification from Penicillium citrinum. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 165: 639-651
Arora, D. S., Chandra, P. and. Kaur, G. (2011). Optimization and assay of antioxidant
potential of two Penicillium spp. by different procedures. Current Biotechnology, Current Biotechnology 1: 2-10. -
Kaur A., Singh S., Chandra P., Suri K. A., Ishar M. P. S. (2011). Evaluation of antioxidant potential of stem bark extract of Dalbergia sissoo. Journal of Pharmacy Research 4(9): 3439-3441.
Chandra, P. and Arora, D. S. (2011). Antioxidant potential of Penicillium citrinum and
its optimization through different statistical approaches. Free radicals and antioxidants 1:48-55 -
Chandra, P. and Arora, D. S. (2012). Enhancement of antioxidant potential of Penicillium granulatum Bainier by statistical approaches. ISRN Microbiology, Article ID 452024, DOI:10.5402/2012/452024</p
Chandra, P. (2014). Milk -derived Bioactive Peptides. In: Innovative approaches in Stem Cell
Research, Cancer Biology and Applied Biotechnology (eds A.K. Johri & G.C. Mishra) pp 86-91. Excellent publications. -
Chandra, P. and Arora, D. S. (2014). Antioxidant potential of fungal isolates assayed
through various procedures, screening of functional compounds and their purification from Aspergillus terreus. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research., 4 (3):15-24. -
Chandra, P. and Arora, D. S. (2014). Antioxidant potential of two strains of Aspergillus wentii isolated from soil of different areas of Punjab, India and its optimization using different statistical approaches. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research., 4(4):31-41
Vij S., Chandra P., and Bachanti P. R. (2014) Antimicrobial Activity of Casein Fermentate of Probiotic Lactobacillus spp. International Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. ISSN 0974 3073 Volume 5, Number 2 (2014), pp. 201-208
- Chandra, P. and Arora, D. S. (2016). Production of Antioxidant Bioactive Phenolic Compounds by Solid-state Fermentation on Agro-residues Using Various Fungi Isolated from Soil. Asian J. Biotechnol.DOI: 10.3923/ajbkr.2016.
Chandra, P. (2016). Effect of Lactobacillus on Biological properties: Anticancer, immunomodulatory properties and improvement of bone health. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research. 2016, 6 (3):17-23
Chandra, P. and Arora, D. S (2016) Antioxidant Potential of Penicillium expansum and Purification of its Functional Compound Asian J. Biotechnol . ISSN 1996-0700 DOI: 10.3923/ajbkr.2016.
Chandra, P. and Chandra, A. (2016). Elucidation and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA in plant growth promoting Streptomyces sp. isolated from wheat-sugarcane cropping system. Journal in wheat researc
Chandra, P. and Arora, D. S (2017). “Antioxidant compounds derived from plants, description and mechanism of phytochemicals “. Journal of Agroecology and Natural Resource Management.vol 4. 55-59
Technical / Popular articles:
Subhash Katare, Poonam Jasrotia, Priyanka Chandra, Sudheer Kumar, Saharan. M. S., and Singh, D. P. 2016. Major damaging insect pests of wheat and their management (in Hindi). Souvenir, Improved agriculture-Prosperous farmer, Farmer-Scientist workshop and seed day, 17 October, 2016. IIWBR Karnal. pp.12-13.
Poonam Jasrotia, Subhash Katare, Priyanka Chandra, Sudheer Kumar, Saharan. M. S., and Singh, D. P. 2016. Safe storage of grains and seeds (in Hindi). Souvenir, Improved agriculture-Prosperous farmer, Farmer-Scientist workshop and seed day, 17 October, 2016. IIWBR Karnal. pp.36-38.
Priyanka Chandra, Subhash Katare, Poonam Jasrotia, Sudheer Kumar, Saharan. M. S., and Singh, D. P. 2016. Method, advantages and precautions to be undertaken in use of bio fertilizers (in Hindi). Souvenir, Improved agriculture-Prosperous farmer, Farmer-Scientist workshop and seed day, 17 October, 2016. IIWBR Karnal. pp.48-49.
Singh, P. K., Priyanka Chandra, Anita Meena and Singh, D. P. 2016. Need coated urea: A boon to farmers (in Hindi). Souvenir, Improved agricultureProsperous farmer, Farmer-Scientist workshop and seed day, 17 October, 2016. IIWBR Karnal. pp.53-54.
Chandra, P., Singh, P.K. and Singh, D. P. 2016. Krishi Mai Nanotechnology ki Bhumika: Ek Pridrashya (In Hindi). Gehoon Avam Jau Swarnima, 8: 27-28.
Jha A., Basher A.A, Meena R.P., Pandey V., Chandra P., Ranjan R., Prajapat K., Chokkar R.S., and Sharma R.K. (2016) Mobile agriculture: kisano tak pahuchne ka sashakt madhyam (In Hindi). Gehoon Avam Jau
Swarnima, 8: 6-7. -
Meena A., Verma A., Singh S., Senthil R., and Chandra P. 2016 Kisano ke liye madadgar drone taknik. (In Hindi). Gehoon Avam Jau Swarnima, 8: 121-
123 -
Singh, P. K., Chandra P., Kumar R., Kumar A., Gill S.2016 mradya swastha card-kisano ke liye behtar hathiyar. (In Hindi). Gehoon Avam Jau Swarnima, 8: 27-28.
Technical bulletins/ Extension cards:
Chandra, P., Jasrotia, P., Katare, S., Sudheer Kumar, and Singh, D. P. 2016. Jeevandu Khaad “Azotobacter” Ka Upyog (In Hindi). Extension Card No. 25. ICAR-IIWBR Karnal.
Chandra, P., Jasrotia, P., Katare, S., Sudheer Kumar, and Singh, D. P. 2016. Rhizobium Jaiv Urbarak (In Hindi). Extension Card No. 22. ICAR-IIWBR Karnal.
Chandra, P., Jasrotia, P., Katare, S., Sudheer Kumar, and Singh, D. P. 2016. Phosporus Gholak Jeevandu (PSB) Ki Upchar Vidhi avam Laabh (In Hindi). Extension Card No. 26. ICAR-IIWBR Karnal.
Chandra, P., Jasrotia, P., Katare, S., Sudheer Kumar, and Singh, D. P. 2016. Trichoderma ki Utpadan Vidhi (In Hindi). Extension Card No. 24. ICARIIWBR Karnal.
Chandra, P., Jasrotia, P., Katare, S., Sudheer Kumar, and Singh, D. P. 2016. Trichoderma ki Upyog Vidhi (In Hindi). Extension Card No. 23. ICARIIWBR Karnal.
Jasrotia, P., Katare, S., Chandra, P., Sudheer Kumar, and Singh, D. P. 2016. Prakash Jaal (Light Trap)/Keeton Ko Pakadne Ka Yantra (In Hindi). Extension Card No. 19. ICAR-IIWBR Karnal.
Katare, S., Jasrotia, P., Chandra, P., Sudheer Kumar, and Singh, D. P. 2016. Keetnashakon Ka Surkchhit Prayog (In Hindi). Extension Card No. 21. ICAR-IIWBR Karnal.
Katare, S., Jasrotia, P., Chandra, P., Sudheer Kumar, Saharan, M.S. and Singh, D. P. 2016. Kheton mai Chuha Prabhandhan (In Hindi). Extension Card No. 20. ICAR-IIWBR Karnal.
A. Kumar, S. Singh, P. Jasrotia, A. Jha, A. Khippal, P. Chandra and Sendhil R., 2017 Compendium on ”Climate Smart Agriculture for Enhancing Food and Nutrition Security” (in Hindi), ICAR-IIWBR Karnal. Pg- 118
Presentations in conferences/symposia/seminar/other forum:
Oral presentation on “Prospect of Secondary Metabolites from Fungal Diversity as
Bioactive Compounds” at Swarna Jayanti National Conference on Biodiversity & Sustainable Utilization of Plant Resources” Krukshetra University, Krukshetra 2017 -
Oral presentation on “In Vitro Antioxidant Potential of Some Soil Fungi: Screening of Functional Compounds and their Purification from Penicillium spp.” at International Conference on Recent Trends in Agriculture, Food Science, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture, Animal Sciences, Biodiversity, Ecological Sciences and Climate Change (AFHABEC-2017)”. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Chandra P., Rajita, Singh D. P. Poster presentation on “Jalvayu parivartan, krishi tatha sukshamjeev” (in hindi) at Hindi Pakhwada, Oct 2016 organized at IIWBR
Contribution in compilation/documentation :
Saharan, M.S., Singh, D. P., Sudheer Kumar, Katare, S., Jasrotia, P., Chandra, P., and Singh G.P. ACRIP annual report 2015-2016
Singh, D. P., Sudheer Kumar, Katare, S., Jasrotia, P., Chandra, P., and Singh G.P 2016. Wheat Crop Health Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR Karnal, 22 (1): 1-8.
- Singh, D. P., Sudheer Kumar, Katare, S., Jasrotia, P., Chandra, P., and Singh G.P 2016. Wheat Crop Health Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR Karnal, 22 (2): 1-10.
- Singh, D. P., Sudheer Kumar, Katare, S., Jasrotia, P., Chandra, P., and Singh G.P 2017. Wheat Crop Health Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR Karnal, 22 (3): 1-11.
- Singh, D. P., Sudheer Kumar, Katare, S., Jasrotia, P., Chandra, P., and Singh G.P 2017. Wheat Crop Health Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR Karnal, 22 (4): 1-26
E- article:
Priyanka Chandra (2016): Description of Various Assay Procedures for Determination of Antioxidant Activity. http://www.biotecharticles.com/ApplicationsArticle/Description-of-Various-Assay-Procedures-for-Determination-of-AntioxidantActivity-3712.html
Concept of Free Radicals and http://www.biotecharticles.com/Biology-Article/Concept-of-Free-Radicals-andAntioxidants-3711.html
Priyanka Chandra, Poonam Jasrotia, Subash Katare, Sudheer Kumar and Devendra Pal Singh (2016): Plasticulture: A new application in agriculture http://www.biotecharticles.com/Agriculture Article/Plasticulture-A-NewApplication-in-Agriculture-3723.html
Priyanka Chandra and Poonam Jasrotia (2016): Induced Systemic Resistance.
Biotech Articles. http://www.biotecharticles.com/Agriculture-Article/InducedSystemic-Resistance-ISR-3718.html -
Poonam Jasrotia and Priyanka Chandra (2016): RNAi Interfernce (RNAi): A functional genomics tool. Biotech Articles http://www.biotecharticles.com/Agriculture-Article/RNAi-Interference-RNAi-Afunctional-genomics-tool-3719.html
- Priyanka Chandra and Poonam Jasrotia (2016): RNAi Technology for improving disease resistance (RNAi): Biotech Articles. http://www.biotecharticles.com/Agriculture-Article/RNAi-Technology-forImproving-Disease-Resistance-3717.html
Poonam Jasrotia and Priyanka Chandra (2016): Agriculture on heights: Vertical Farming. Biotech Articles http://www.biotecharticles.com/AgricultureArticle/Agriculture-on-Heights-Vertical-Farming 3709.html
Katare, S., Jasrotia, P., Chandra, P., Sudheer Kumar, Saharan, M.S. and Singh, D. P. 2016. How to protect 10% grain wastage (In Hindi) http://epaper.bhaskar.com/detail//11241443140/814320printing//102
Abstracts published:
Abstract entitled “Antioxidant activity of some soil fungi” published at annual AMI conference, Chennai 2007
Abstract entitled “Antioxidant potential of extra cellular culture broth of fungi isolated
from soil” published at International symposium on microbial biotechnology: diversity, genomics and metagenomics, Delhi 2008 -
Abstract entitled “Antioxidant potential of fungal isolates assayed through various
procedures, screening of functional compounds and their purification from Penicillium citrinum ” published at International conference on microbial biotechnology for sustainable development, Chandigarh 2011 -
Abstract entitled “Milk -derived Bioactive Peptides” published at World Congress on “Stem Cell Research, Cancer Biology and Applied Biotechnology”(Biotech-2014) Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 2014.
Abstract entitled “Antimicrobial Activity of Casein Fermentate of Probiotic Lactobacillus spp.” published at International Congress on “Agriculture, Food Engineering and Environmental Sciences- Sustainable Approaches”(AFEESSA- 2014) Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi March, 2014.
Abstract entitled “Plant growth promoting attributes of Bacillus spp. and its potential to improve physiological characteristics of plants” published at ” International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology for Crop Improvement (ISPBCI), IIT, Guwahati. 2017
Chandra, P. and Arora D.S. Prospect of Secondary Metabolites from Fungal Diversity as Bioactive Compounds” Swarna Jayanti National Conference on Biodiversity & Sustainable Utilization of Plant Resources” Krukshetra University, Krukshetra 2017
Life time member of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Association of India
- Life time member of Society of Wheat Advancement and Research