Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding)
Crop Improvement
Name: Dr. Jogendra Singh, ARS, FABSc
DOB: 10th May, 1982
Affiliation: ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute,
Karnal-132 001, Haryana (India)
E-mail: jogendra.singh@icar.gov.in
Homepage: www.cssri.org
Phone: +91-184-2209416
Academic qualification: Ph.D. (Plant Breeding and Genetics)
- Current position and past affiliation(s): Sr. Scientist
- Priority research areas of interest:
“Development of salt tolerant and high yielding Indian Mustard genotypes using Classical and Modern breeding approaches”
- Research projects (in-house/external) in hands with name of funding agency: 3
Total publications: 41
Research papers in referred journals: 18
Popular articles: 9
Books: 2
Compendiums: 1
Book chapters: 1
Extension pamphlets: 2
Other: 8 (E-publications)
- Transfer of technology & continuing education: Indian Mustard Varieties CS60 and CS58
- Extension (if any): Performing activities to promote the direct interface of scientists with the farmers to hasten the lab to land process with required information, knowledge and advisories on regular basis in the adopted villages under MGMG programme.
- Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.
- Developed Indian Mustard Varieties CS60 and CS58 released and notified by CVRC for cultivation in salt affected area of the country.
- Registered two genotype CS1100-1-2-2-3 (INGR 15058) and CS 15000-1-2-2-2-1 (INGR 17051) as National Genetic Stock for salinity/ alkalinity tolerance under NBPGR.
- Developed the calibration models for non-destructive estimation of oil, protein, erucic acid and crude fibre content in mustard using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Reflectance spectroscopy
- Significant contributions relating to the relevant field of specialization
- Research:
Actively associated in genetic improvement of Indian mustard and developed two salt tolerant Indian mustard varieties CS 58 and CS 60 released and notified by CVRC for salt affected area of the country and register two genotypes CS1100-1-2-2-3 (INGR 15058) and CS 15000-1-2-2-2-1 (INGR 17051) as National Genetic Stock for salinity/ alkalinity tolerance under NBPGR. Also register two varieties of mustard CS 54 and CS 56 and five varieties of rice CSR 13, CSR 27, CSR 23, CSR 30 and CSR 36 under PPV&FRA. Instrumental in developing model for non-destructive estimation of oil, protein, erucic acid and crude fibre content in mustard using FT-NIR. Accomplished collection of 250 rice germplasm and 69 of mustard, generic diversity and population structure studies developed passport data of 7500 Rice germplasm accessions on the basis of 30 morphological and agronomic traits, morphological and molecular characterization, development of mapping population for tagging salt tolerance QTLs, gene expression analysis and quality seed production.
- Teaching (if any)
- Extension (if any):
Performing activities under “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Prograamme” to promote the direct interface of scientists with the farmers to hasten the lab to land process with required information, knowledge and advisories on regular basis in the adopted villages.