Dr. Arvind Kumar

Senior SCIENTIST (Genetics)

Crop Improvement

Dr. Arvind Kumar DOB:_25th January 1981
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Karnal, Haryana (INDIA) 132 001
Homepage: www.cssri.org
Phone: 9996020251

Academic qualification:Ph.D (Genetics and Plant Breeding)

  1. Current position and past affiliation(s):Scientist (Genetics)
  2. Priority research areas of interest

Development of wheat varieties for salt affected areas

  1. Research projects (in-house/external) in hands with name of funding agency
  1. Wheat Improvement for Salt and Waterlogging Tolerance through Conventional and Molecular Approaches (Institute funded)
  2. CRP on Agrobiodiversity, Characterization, Multiplication and evaluation for important biotic and abiotic traits of plant genetic resources of selected crops, Component-II Wheat (ICAR) \
  3. Total publications (Research papers in referred journals, research papers published in proceedings of workshops/symposium/conferences/compendiums, book chapters, popular articles, practical manuals, extension pamphlets, books and others)32

Research papers: National: 12, International: 4

Books: 1

Book chapters: 10
Popular articles: 3
Training manual:  2
Extension Folder: 6

  1. Transfer of technology & continuing education

            (Teaching/mentoring activities)

  1. Extension (if any)
  2. Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.
  3. Significant contributions relating to the relevant field of specialization
  4. Research
  5. Teaching (if any)
  6. Extension (if any)


Email: singh.ak92@gmail.com

Website: F