Dr. Madhu Choudhary

Senior Scientist (Microbiology)

Soil & Crop Management

Current Research Area:



P.hd (Microbiology)

Major Research Accomplishments:


Training attended:

  • 89th Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Service (FOCARS) organized by National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad from 15th December, 2009 to 13th April, 2010.

  • Summer school on ‘ Advances in diagnostics, remediation and use of poor quality waters in crop production’ June 16-July 6, 2011.

Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:


  • Choudhary,M., Dhanda S., Kapoor S., Soni G., Khanna P.K. 2006 Correlation between enzymatic systems and yield potential of Volvariella volvacea, The edible straw mushroom. Progressive Agriculture 6(2):160-163.

  • Choudhary,M., Dhanda S., Kapoor S., Soni G.,2009. Lignocellulolytic enzyme activities and substrate degradation by Volvariella volvacea,The paddy straw mushroom/Chinese mushroom. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 43(3) :223-226


Phone: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=01NbLhwAAAAJ&hl=en

Email: madhu@cssri.ernet.in

Website: J