Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Indian Council of Agricultural
Research, RRS, Bharuch Gujarat-392 012
Phone: 02642-225688, Fax: 02642-225673, Moblie no. 09718859460
- Academic qualification: M.Sc. (Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry)
- Current position and past affiliation(s): Scientist (Soil Science)
- Priority research areas of interest: Soil Science- Chemistry/Fertility& Nutrient Management/Microbiology
- Research projects (institute funded) in hand
- Assessment and mapping of salt affected soils of Gujarat using remote sensing and GIS. (Co-PI)
- Maximization of yield and factor productivity through integrated nutrient management in desi cotton based cropping systems in saline vertisols. (Co-PI)
- Pulpwood based agroforestry systems for saline vertisols. (Co-PI)
- Conjunctive use of saline groundwater and surface water in vertisols for improving water productivity under drip irrigated wheat. (Co-PI)
- Total publications (Research papers in referred journals, research papers published in proceedings of workshops/symposium/conferences/compendiums, book chapters, popular articles, practical manuals, extension pamphlets, books and others)
Bisweswar Gorain, Ramakrishna Parama V.R. and Srijita Paul, 2018, Impact of idol immersion activities on the water quality of Hebbal and Bellandur lakes of Bengaluru in Karnataka. J. soil salinity water quality, 10(1): 112-117.
Bisweswar Gorain and Srijita Paul, 2017, Heavy Metal Continuum in Paint- Lake Ecosystem and Nutrient Potential of Different Lakes of Bengaluru. In: National Seminar on Sustainable Development Goals: Perspectives from the Indian Villages, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya; 11/2017.
Bisweswar Gorain, V. R. Ramakrishna Parama and Srijita Paul, 2016, Effect of graded levels of chromium on the root and shoot partitioning and biometric properties of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) In: Fourth International Agronomy Congress on “Agronomy for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Environment, Energy and Livelihood Security to Achieve Zero Hunger Challenge”, ICAR-IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, India; 11/2016.