Agromet Observatory was established at CSSRI, Karnal on 1 January 1972 and is located in the CSSRI Experimental Farm at 29° 43′ N latitude, 76° 58′ E longitude and 245 m elevation above the mean sea level. It is Class-A Observatory and the following parameters are recorded twice a day (07:22/8:30 and 14:22 hours IST):
- Air temperature- minimum and maximum
- Air relative humidity
- Vapour pressure
- Rainfall
- Evaporation
- Sunshine hours
- Wind speed and direction
- Soil temperatures at 5, 10 and 20 cm depths
- Minimum grass temperature
Weather data from January 1972 to current date are archived into a Weather Database in the Agro-met Lab and are available for sale at the approved price rate to only research and educational purposes of Govt/University/Other organizations.Daily weather data are supplied at free of cost to print radio and television media for further transmission to farmers for planning of agricultural operations/activities.
Rate of Supplying meterological data to different organizations.